Chapter 11

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Time skip to the day of going to see the gender of the baby

Pregnancy: 19 weeks

Aphmaus pov
"Levin! Look were letting you miss school so you can come with us now will you please get in the car!" He shook his head no and malichi picked him up he said "come on little man! We're off to see if we're getting A little brother or sister!" I smiled and zane said "thanks malichi" malichi nodded and said "no problem!" He Carried levin out to the car and I walked to the car with zane following we all climbed in and started driving when malichi started texting someone I said "you texting Melissa" he nodded and I said "just ask her out! She likes you,you like her!" He blushed and zane said "quit embarrassing our children" I laughed and said "I can't it's my job as a mom" he smiled and said "I can't wait to see what the gender is" I nodded and said "neither can I, I hope it's a girl but I'll love it whatever gender it is" he nodded and Levin said "I want it to be a boy!" Malichi said "really Levin there's already three guys and one girl at the house I want it to be a girl like mom" i High fived him and zane said "I hope it's another boy" I said "well whatever it is we'll all love it!" We all nodded and we arrived we went and some lady said "are you aphmau" I nodded and said "yes" she nodded and said "all of you follow me" we went to a room where the ultrasound machine is and she said "if you can please lay down" I nodded and layed down on the bed she said "this may be a bit cold" she put some sort of jelly stuff on my belly and picked up this handheld thing she put it against my belly and said "what are you hoping the gender to be" I said "well I'm hoping it'll be a girl so is malichi and my fiancé and my youngest son Levin is hoping for a boy" she said "well your in luck their both girls!" I smiled and said "this is amaz- wait both" she nodded and said "congrats your having twins!" I smiled and looked at zane I said "zane.its.twins!!! And their both girls!!!" He smiled and malichi said "Levin your gonna have two little sisters!" Levin smiled and said "cool!!" I nodded and she cleaned the jelly stuff off I got up and she said "comgrats on twins!" I nodded and we left in the car I said "we gotta start decorating their room" zane nodded and all of a sudden malichi yelled "YES!" I jumped and he said "sorry mom but I asked Melissa on a date and she said yes!!" I smiled and said "well that's great mal but was it worth stopping my heart?!" He laughed and said "sorry mom..." I said "it's fine oh zane before we go home let's go to the store and pick up a few things to decorate the girls room with!" He nodded and Levin said "nooooooo! I wanna go home" I sighed and said "if you be good we'll get you ice cream" he smiled and said "LETS GO SHOPPING!" I laughed and we drove to the store we went in and zane said "we should get some paint but what colors should we get" I thought and said "well the girls are gonna share a room so....purple or pink maybe?" He nodded and said "how about light pink" I nodded and turned to malichi I have him a twenty dollar bill and said "go get you and Levin something we meet up back here" he nodded and said "thanks mom" and they ran off me and zane got some pink paint, a few cute decorations and met back up with malichi he was holding a book and Levin had a BAG FULL of candy I said "do you want him to be hyper" malichi said "hey you said get him something and he wanted candy!" I sighed and said "let's go" we went out to the car and drove home me and zane started painting the room and hanging up the decorations when zane said "won't we need cribs" I nodded and said "yea but we still got a pretty good while until they're born" he nodded and said "I can't wait until they're born! I wonder what they'll look like...." I shrugged and said "I dont know maybe they'll look like us..." He said "well no duh!" I laughed and said "well they're twins so they're gonna look like eachother in the face but as for hair and eyes I honestly don't know" we finished painting and hanging up decorations so i called katelyn she answered and said "WHAT IS ITS GENDER TELL ME NOW!" I laughed and said "it is a she and theirs two of them it's twins" she screamed "TWINS?!?!?! OH MY IRENE THIS IS AMAZING TRAVIS ITS TWINS WERE GONNA HAVE TWO LITTLE NIECES!" I laughed and said "hey travis" I heard him say "hey aph congrats on twins can't wait for them to be born" I smiled and said "yea me neither anyway I have to go bye guys l" they both said bye and I hung up and went to start making dinner...

Hey guys! So looks like it's twins but I don't need any names I already have them sorry guys! But anyway hope you enjoyed that's all for now bbbbbyyyyyyyyeeeeeee

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