Chapter 18

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Pic of rayne above!! ruby looks exactly the same only she has brown eyes instead of blue
Raynes pov
I woke up to my alarm clock blaring in my ears I groaned and checked the time to see it was OH MY IRENE 7:30! We're already in 2nd period! I looked at my messages and seen tons from Lukas..

L- are you there why aren't you at school

L- are you ok please respond

L- babe hurry were in 2nd period

L- I gtg please get here love you❤️

I sighed and ran downstairs to see a note from my mom "hey Hun we didn't wake you up because we figured you didn't have to go since you got home late so feel free to stay home" I smiled and texted Lucas
R- im fine don't worry I just overslept and my mom decided I don't have to go so I won't be there today sorry and since when did you start calling me babe

L- ok glad your ok I was worried and I don't know even when I was with Joey if I got worried I called her babe I guess it's just if I get worried oh I'll be over today after school

R- ok see Ya then bye love you

L- bye love you

I got bored so i decided to workout I went to the treadmill and after awhile I started coughing like really bad and I couldn't breathe at all I tried to grab my phone on the table but  I started feeling dizzy and I fell then...blackness....

Time skip to end of school

Lukas' pov
"See you tomorrow Lukas!" I waved at my homeroom teacher and I went to my car i drove to raynes house and knocked but no answer I twisted the knob and it odd they always lock the door...I went in and set my stuff down and I immediately seen rayne laying on the floor passed out I went over to her and picked her up I called 911 and a woman answered she said "hello what is your emergency" I said "u-Uh my girlfriend I walked in and she's passed out" the woman said "ok Hun is she breathing" I leaned down to her chest and almost fainted I said "n-no she's now breathing were on phoenix avenue the big White House" the woman said "we're sending an ambulance out right now" we hung up and I immedianly heard sirens I carried her out side and the paramedics put her on a stretcher a guy said "hey I'm Matt now I need you to tell both of your names" I nodded and said "my name is Lukas and hers is rayne" he nodded and said "well Lukas are you family" I said "boyfriend" he looked at me weird and said "ok well get in the ambulance you can come with us" I nodded and we  got in the ambulance I grabbed raynes hand and said "please be ok.." A nurse put a breathing mask on her and said "since she's not breathing this gives her air ok" I nodded and we drive to the hospital the nurses took her to a room and I called zane and aph I put it in group call and said "hey zane hey aph" they both said "hey Lukas" I sighed and said "R-raynes at the hospital I went to your house after school and she was passed out she wasn't breathing so I called 911 and now we're at the hospital she's in a room you might wanna come" I hung up and just sat in the waiting room...what if she doesn't wake up...she's my best friend,my girlfriend...I love her to much...I can't lose her I wouldn't be able to bare not seeing her smile or hearing her laugh or sarcastic remarks...just then I felt tears roll down my face I was crying...I never cry...ever...I seen aphmau,ruby and zane come in they ran over to me and zane said "is she ok?!" I shrugged and said "I-I don't k-know she wasn't b-breathing at the house or in the ambulance" after awhile we were all sitting there crying ruby said "my sisters going to be ok right" we all frowned and I said "ruby come here" she walked over to me and I said "rayne is going to be fine she's the strongest person I know she'll get through this" she said "but what if your wrong what if she doesn't" I frowned and more tears came down i said "she will" she nodded and went back to her seat after awhile everyone was asleep except me I couldn't sleep so is styled up all night around 4:00 am a doctor came over he said "you can go see her but I have to warn you...shes in a coma" my heart shattered I said "w-what why" he said "from loss of oxygen maybe she was exercising or something and she didn't take any breaks so she just got to carried away and couldn't breathe which caused her to lose all oxygen...we were able to get her to start breathing again so that's sorry she's in room 104" I nodded and woke up everyone we all went to her room and there she was laying there she looked so pale a lot paler than usual she wasn't moving and she had a few cords hooked up to her her mom and dad was crying ruby just stood there staring and I was crying and staring I walked over to the seat next to her we all stayed ther not saying a word until the nurse came in and said "visiting hours are over but one person can stay" everyone looked at me and I nodded ruby said "wait can I please stay here with Lukas and rayne!" The nurse frowned and sighed she nodded and walked off raynes mom said "tell us if anything happens" I nodded and her mom and dad walked off ruby said "she looks so...lifeless" I nodded and said "she's alive you can tell from the moniter if that zigzag line goes to a straight line then...the worst...if you see that happen call in the doctors ok" she nodded and ruby fell asleep on one of the chairs I Layed next to rayne and grabbed her hand I kissed her and said "wake up soon...please" and I fell asleep...

Please.Dont.Kill.Me. *angry mob started getting pitchforks and torches* ok that's my cue to leave SEE YA! Bbbbbbbbyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeee

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