Chapter 19

432 16 6

3 weeks later

Lukas' pov
"Hey aph thanks again for letting me stay here with you guys while rayne..." She nodded and said "when she wakes up I want you to know right away" I smiled and I heard the bus outside I grabbed my stuff and ran to the bus I say with my friend Gavin he's the son of Garroth Ro,Meave and Kawaii Chan gavin is raynes cousin so uh yea..anyway I sat down and he said "hey how's rayne" I sighed and said "she's still not awake and she hasn't improved...I miss her so much man I miss her smile,laugh,eyes everything" he nodded and said "yea I hope she wakes up soon" I nodded and we got to school the day was horrible up until my phone rang I answered it to aphmau she said "LUKAS SHES AWAKE SHES AWAKE!" I said "are you kidding?!" She said "no come to the hospital right now!" I ran to my car and drove to the hospital when I got there I ran to her room and seen the smile I haven't seen in 3 weeks I ran to her bed and hugged her I said "oh my irene rayne I missed you so much" she smiled and said "I missed you to!" We leaned in to kiss but then I sprung up and It was was a dream...IT WAS A FREAKIN DREAM! I sighed and turned on the light I was still in the guest bedroom at raynes house so yea...I turned on the tv and layed back down but I just ended up staring at a picture of rayne crying at 4 in the morning I got tired of crying so I went downstairs and quietly made a cup of coffee i took it back upstairs and watched tv for awhile before I fell asleep...

The next morning

"Lukas wake up we're going to see rayne" I sprung up to see aphmau I nodded and we all ran to the car we drove to the hospital and went to her room she still wasn't awake...I ishhed and a nurse who ive talked to a bit I think her name is Anastasia said "wow yall back already! You were just here last week!" I nodded and said "has she made any improvements" she nodded and said "go ask her to do something" I went over to raynes bed and put my hand on hers I said "if you can hear me squeeze my hand" she squeezed my hand and I said "aphmau zane she can hear us!" They both smiled and the nurse left we stayed there for the rest of the day until visiting hours were over well aph and zane left first cause they had to go back to ruby but I stayed behind for a few minutes I went over to rayne and said "I'm glad your getting better rayne....I cant wait for you to wake up so I can see your smile,hear your laugh,see your beautiful blue eyes....I love you so much rayne please wake up I need you in my life....I miss you" tears streamed down my face and the doctor came In he said "if its just you here feel free to stay the night with her shes really close to waking up you should be there when your girlfriend wakes up" I smiled and the doctor left I sat back down and said "so your close to waking up....that's amazing!" I looked at her face and seen her mouth move a bit I gasped and said "rayne..." she said "Lukas....." even though she wasn't awake that still made me so means shes gonna wake up sonn I'm gonna have my rayray back! I drifted off to sleep with a smile...

Time skip

I woke up the next morning to the sun shining through the window and I seen aphmau,zane and ruby they seen me and ruby said "hey lukas how is she" I smiled and said "last night the doctor told me she's close to waking up" ruby smiled and zane said "I can't wait until she does wake up I want my little girl back" I smiled and Aphmau said "me to zane" just then a doctor came in he said "um there's two young boys here requesting to see rayne Uh their names are Levin and malichi" Aphmau said "her brothers send them in" the doctor nodded and left soon Malichi and Levin came in malichi said "I'm so sorry we couldn't come and visit sooner I couldn't get a day off at work until now" everyone nodded and Levin and malichi went over to rayne Levin said "how long has she been in the coma" I sighed and said "bout 3? Maybe 4 weeks" he nodded and malichi said "I still can't believe this happened..." Everyone stayed quiet until the doctor came in he said "two more people here for you a pregnant lady named katelyn and her husband travis" zane said "send them in its raynes aunt and uncle" the doctor nodded and left katelyn and travis came in afterwords and katelyn hugged aph aphmau said "hey katelyn how've you been" she nodded and said "I've been fine im here to see how raynes been doing" travis nodded and said "has she improved anymore" I nodded and we all talked about how much raynes improved when I said "last night she said my name" everyone said "REALLY?!" I nodded and everyone smiled Aph said "zane shes gonna wake up soon" zane nodded and hugged aph I mentally awed at how cute their relationship is after all these years and for the rest of the day we all talked and tried to get rayne to wake up it didn't work but I think she's gonna be waking up very soon....

She's close to waking up! Yay! So I'm still wondering about lukas and raynes ship name! I can't think of anything! So anyway guys that's all for now hope you enjoyed bbbbbbbbbbbyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeee

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