Chapter 3

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Time skip 1 month ahead
Aphmaus pov
"Zane come on Spanish is not that hard!" He groaned and said "that's easy for you to say you know the whole language!" I sighed and said "zane school starts back in 3 days you,garroth,and vylad are gonna be the new kids and I want you all to do good especially you!" He sighed and said "fine" I smiled and said "ok translate this to English Tuve un buen tiempo" he twirled a pencil around for a minute and said "uh...I had a very nice time?" I nodded and said "YES FINALLY THANK IRENE!" He laughed and said "hey I'm not that bad at Spanish" I nodded and said "yes...yes you are" we laughed and I said "ok this should be enough studying you think your ready for school" he sighed and said "as long as your there I'll be fine" I smiled and said "Good because I ain't leavin"

Time skip to first day of school

"Katelyn im gonna walk the guys to school today ok!" She yelled back "OK!" I went across the street and got the guys we all started walking and finally got to school I stopped them and said "ok guys one thing stay away from gene,sasha,and Zenix they have this little group of troublemakers and they always bully the new kids so if you ever need me to smack someone upside the head tell me and I will" they nodded and I said "ok now go to your classes!"
We all ran to our classes and sadly the day went by super slow but then it was lunch my favorite subject! I found garroth,and vylad sitting down and I said "hey where's zane" vylad said "I don't know we looked for him but couldn't find him he said something about forgetting his stuff outside" I said "oh no!" I got up and ran outside to see exactly who I expected sasha,gene,and Zenix I seen them push zane to the ground and I lost it I ran up to them and said "HEY GET AWAY FROM MY FRIEND!" Sasha laughed and said "awwww little aphmau trying to stand up for her friend!" I said "sasha you know what happened last time you messed with me" she smiled and said "well you just got lucky there's no way you could take me dow-" (idk if it's just me but I totally think aph would do this if someone was hurting one of her friends) I punched her right in the nose she said "why you little!" She jumped at me and pinned me to the ground and I seen a crowd start to form around us I pushed her back and pinned her down I punched her two more times and got up she said "where ya goin Ya scared" i clenched my fists and said "I'm usually not violent but I'm afraid if I keep fighting you im gonna do something I'll regret!" I walked over to zane and said "Ya ok" he nodded and got up we started walking away but sasha yelled "HEY APHMAU!" I turned and she punched me in my nose I think it started bleeding I pushed her away and zane said "oh my irene aph your nose is bleeding!" I nodded and said "I-im fine" he grabbed my hand and said "no your not fine where's the nurse at" I told him where she was and he took me to the nurse she said "how did this happen I got ready to answer but zane said "some people were pushing me around and she stood up for me" she nodded and said "well aph she didn't break it so your fine but I'll call katelyn and tell her what happened mkay" I nodded and she gave me and zane passes for our classes...FOR THE WHOKE DAY?! I looked at her and she said "you got hurt you shouldn't have to do work and zane was pushed around so why don't you to just go hang outside till the end of the day just give these to your teachers tomorrow" we nodded and me and zane ran outside when we got out there I smiled I said "this is so cool! We got the whole football field to ourselves!" He nodded and said "aph thanks for standing up for me" I hugged him and said "I told you to tell me if I needed to smack someone upside the head and I did" he laughed and we walked around the football field while we were walking he grabbed my hand I looked at him and he was blushing i blushed to and we kept walking around until I tripped over a stick and he fell on top of me so he was hovering above me I blushed and he did to and I tell you it took all my courage to lean up and kiss him I expected him to pull away but he kissed back when we pulled away we stood up and he said "aph...I uh....I like you...more than a friend" I nodded and said "zane...I um....I like you more than a friend....what are we now" he grabbed my hand and kissed me again he said "what do you think" I smiled and said "boyfriend and girlfriend?" He smiled and said "if you want to be" I nodded and said "I do" he said "then that's what we are" I smiled and we layed down and looked at the clouds until everyone came outside for break garroth,vylad and katelyn found us katelyn hugged me and said "you ok" I nodded and I backed up next to zane vylad said "why are you guys just staring at us" garroths eyes dropped down to mine and zanes Ahmed's intertwined with each others and he said "oh...OH....FINALLY!" Katelyn seen our hands and said "I called it! I knew it I knew it from the moment you two met I told you! I thought you didn't like him aph" I smiled and said "well at first I didn't then I got to know him more and I kept it secret from you cause I knew you would tell him" vylad said "seriously this is to cute you guys are my OTP" I blushed and zane said "guys I mean this in the nicest way possible but please shut up" they laughed and katelyn said "so why did sasha punch you in the first place" I said "well they were pushing zane around so I ran over I told sasha she knew what happened last time and she provoked me so I punched her she attacked me and we fought I got up she asked if I was scared and I said I was afraid I'd do something I'd regret and I helped zane up we started walking off but sasha yelled I turned and she punched me in the nose then zane took me to the nurse and the nurse gave us both class slips for the entire day" they nodded and we all walked around and talked but then someone made a huge mistake apparently not a lot of people know about the jury of nine its this program that o my talented fighters get into and if your in it it gives you perks like glowing white eyes and awesome weapons and basically all you do is use the jury of nice perks and weapons to defend yourself and katelyn happens to be in it anyway we were walking and someone yelled "HEY LOOK THE DORK AND THE LONER ARE HOLDING HANDS!" Everyone started laughing for some reason like it wasn't even funny but katelyn said "HEY QUIT LAUGHING AT MY LITTLE SISTER AND HER BOYFRIEND OR ILL MAKE SURE NONE OF YOU LIVE TO SEE YOUR NEXT BIRTHDAY!" Her eyes went white and her fire fist weapons appeared her skin turned pale and her clothes became armor......I seriously love having magik at this school.....everyone ran off and she went back to normal garroth said "I'm kinda scared" vylad nodded and said "me to" zane shrugged and said "it was scarier when aph was fighting sasha cause then I knew they wanted to hurt each other I know katelyn wasn't gonna hurt anyone" I nodded and the bell rung we all went back inside I went to my home room and they called buses I grabbed my stuff and met up with garroth,vylad,zane,and katelyn we all got on the bus and me and zane sat together i layed my head on his shoulder and said "I still can't believe I had enough guts to kiss you" he smiled and said "I'm glad you did I was to scared to tell you I liked you until you kissed me if you hadn't kissed me we wouldn't be dating" I nodded and said "I'm glad we are" he smiled and said "me to...." We got to our houses and everyone went seperate ways but not before katelyn,vylad,and garroth stood and watched zane kiss me then wave and run into his house WE KISSED THREE TIMES TODAY OH MY IRENE! I went up to katelyn and she said "you two are cute together" I smiled and we walked inside as soon as we did katelyn screamed "APH HAS A BOYFRIEND!" Mom came running in and she said "who?!" I blushed and said "zane" she smiled and said "I knew you two liked each other you guys are my OTP! I ship zanemau so much" I laughed and went Up to my room i layed down and fell asleep...

You know it's true love when even the mom ships it lol! But awwwww there together and there so awkward but there awkward together it's adorable! Anyway guys that's all for now hope you enjoyed! Btw if there's anything you gust want to happen out it in the comments and I may make it happen!

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