Chapter 9

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6 years later sorry it's so long :)
Let me fill you in ok so Aph is 23 and moved into her own house zane and the boys moved in with her,katelyn got her own house a bit down the road with travis (travlyn all the way!) Malichi is 15,and Levin is 8
Aphmaus pov
"Zane get your butt in the car we have to go pick up Levin,malichi,and Melissa!" He climbed in the passenger seat and said "who's Melissa anyway" I smiled and said "she's this girl malichi met at school im pretty sure malichi likes her" he nodded and we got there we sat in the car and waited until school ended when zane said "wanna go out tonight" I smiled and said "sure any occasion" he said "nope just want to take the one I love out for dinner" I nodded and he looked kinda nervous...

Zanes pov
"Can I look at that one" the guy got the ring and said "it's an engagement ring with amethyst encrusted into it" I said "how much is it" he checked the price tags and said "it's 200" I gave him the money and took the ring he gave me the black box to put it in and said "some lady is gonna be very happy" I nodded and said "yea I hope so...."
(Flashback over)
I smiled as I thought of how tonight will go....

Malichis pov
"Hey Melissa!" I ran over to the oh so familiar brown eyes,black haired girl and she smiled we started talking and i said "hey I gotta go pick up my little brother sorry" she nodded and said "it's cool I'll text you!" I ran down to levins class and he said "MALICHI! Thank irene get me out of here!" I laughed and his teacher called me over and said "evening malichi" I nodded and they said "I wanted to tell you Levin has been doing amazing work!" I smiled and said "thats awesome! Is that all cause our parents are waiting outside" they nodded and me and levin walked out to the car we climbed in and dad said "have a good day" I nodded and said "yea me and Melissa talked at lunch" mom said "malichi that's awesome! She likes you im serious" Levin fake gagged and said "gross!" I laughed and said "it won't be gross when your older in fact I bet your gonna end up dating Alexis when your older" he shook his head no and just then a little black box on the ground caught my attention while Levin and mom and dad were having a conversation I grabbed the box and opened it to see a ring with amethyst encrusted into's purple moms favorite color...OH MY IRENE DAD IS GONNA PROPOSE! Just the mom said "hey mal you'll have to take care of Levin tonight me and zane are going on a date" I nodded and we got home when Levin and mom got out I grabbed dads arm and said "your proposing to her" he said "how did you know!" I handed him the box and said "it must have fallen out of your pocket" he nodded and said "but yea I'm gonna propose" I smiled and said "good you guys have been dating for like ever!" He laughed and we went inside...

Aphmaus pov
"Zane im gonna go get ready for the date ok" he said "where something fancy!" and I ran upstairs to our room I ended up doing my hair like....

Aphmaus pov "Zane im gonna go get ready for the date ok" he said "where something fancy!" and I ran upstairs to our room I ended up doing my hair like

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And I put on a purple dress that's longer in the back and shorter in the front with a pattern on the chest....

I put on some purple high heels and grabbed my purse by time I was done with all that it was 8 so I went downstairs to see zane In a tux we must be going somewhere really fancy! Anyway he grabbed my hand and said "you look beautiful" I smiled and ...

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I put on some purple high heels and grabbed my purse by time I was done with all that it was 8 so I went downstairs to see zane In a tux we must be going somewhere really fancy! Anyway he grabbed my hand and said "you look beautiful" I smiled and called malichi downstairs I said "ok we're leaving be good to Levin and please take care of him" he laughed and said "I will mom don't worry he's my little brother I won't hurt him" I nodded and me and zane left we drove the the restraunt and sat down a waiter came over and said "good evening what would you like" zane said "I'll have the lobster" I said "and I'll have the salad" the waiter nodded and said "for your drinks" zane said "water for me and tea for the lady" the man ran off and I said "zane are you sure we can afford this place it's so expensive!" He nodded and said "I'm sure besides you deserve the best" I smiled and the waiter came back with our food and drinks we ate and then I said "I think it's time to go" he nodded and said "yea but I gotta ask you something first" he took my hand and got down on one knee he said "when I moved onto the street I was that kid that nobody wanted to hang out with,I barely ever talked or left my room but then you came made me smile and laugh and we've had so many amazing moments in life and I really want to have so many more your like the other half of me without you I'm....incomplete and I just never want to leave your side I love you so much and that's why I'm asking you....aph will you marry me" I took the hand that he wasn't holding and wiped away a few tears I smiled and said "zane....of course I'll marry you!" I hugged him and everyone in the restraunt awwwwwed I laughed and pecked his lips I said "I love you" he nodded and said "I love you to" I pulled away from the hug and he put the ring on my finger I smiled and the waiter came over zane said "how much do we owe" the man said "no no you are not paying it is on the house I hope you and your fiancé are very happy together" he thanked him and we left we went home and malichi said "CONGRATS!" I laughed and said "mal you knew zane was proposing" he nodded and Levin said "congrats guys" I hugged him and said "awwww thanks levi" he said "moooooooom you know I hate that name" I shrugged and said "ok fine" we all laughed and I realized it was 12 I said "Levin go brush your teeth and go to bed no buts" he walked off and malichi said "congrats..." I smiled and hugged him he laughed and said "I'm glad my parents are finally engaged" I laughed and said "me to now go to bed" he sighed and said "I'm 15! You can't still tell me when to go to bed" I gave him 'the look' that scares even the bravest of kids and he said "ok ok! I'll go to bed" he ran off and zane said "how do you do that!?" I laughed and said "it comes with being a mom" he sighed and said "so if I want to be able to scare our children I have to turn female!" We laughed and I said "what do you wanna do" he yawned and said "I'm tired lets go to bed" I nodded and went to our room and fell asleep...

Hai! So shoutout to -Lost_Gurl- for the character Melissa! anyway guys that's all for now hope you enjoyed bbbbbbbbyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeee

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