Chapter 8

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Time skip it's now levins birthday AKA the boys and Aphs first day of school

Aphmaus pov
"Malichi! Help Levin put his backpack on!" Irene I didn't realize getting two little boys and my self ready in the mornings would be so hard! Malichi helped Levin out his backpack on while I did my make up mom got a job a few days ago so she's already gone and katelyn is already at school as well is zane so it was just me to get them both ready and did mom ever do this?! Ugh after I did my make up I grabbed Levin and malichi and ran outside I put them in MY car yep mom got me a car so that I wouldn't have to drive hers to school since she has to take it to work anyway I put them in and buckled them up I climbed in and drive to school when we got there I took Levin down to preschool I tok him to his homeroom and found his teacher miss Sally I set Levin down and she turned she said "uh I'm sorry I was expecting levins mother to drop him off" I nodded and said "I am his mother" she said "oh my apologies it's just your so young" I nodded and said "yea I adopted him now do you know where mister gray in 3rd grades room is I have to take my other son malichi to his class" she nodded and told me I hugged Levin and said "be good ok I'll see you later today bye I love you!" He waved and said "bye love you mommy!" I took malichi up to mister gray is and dropped him off mister gray turned and said "oh are you malichis sister" I groaned and said "for Irenes sake im his mother! Now I have to go to my classes make sure he doesn't get bullied about being a ghost" I turned to malichi and hugged him I said "have fun ok and try don't show anyone their fears" we found out a few days ago that he can show people their biggest fears he did it to garrith when the guys came over anyway he nodded and said "bye love you mom!" I waved and said "bye love you make friends!" And then ran tiny class when I walked in I was engulfed in a group hug by all my classmates they all said "IM SO HAPPY YOUR BACK!" I laughed and my teacher miss Jones said "first day back and your late!" I said "Sorry but I'm probably gonna be late every morning I had to take my sons to their classes and their in different grades then I had to come to my class and just its hectic" her eyes grew and she said "excuse me sons?" I nodded and said "yes sons I adopted them now if that's out of the way I'd like to sit down" she said "wait so you adopted two sons and are taking care of them by yourself?!" I got ready to answer but zane came up beside me and said "no she's not taking care of them alone im their father and her boyfriend now we are going to sit down" she nodded and I sat down next to zane the classes were mostly filled with people hugging me saying their happy im back and teachers being suprised I had sons until the end of the day at break me,garroth,vylad,zane,and katelyn all hung out and then after break I said "zane wanna come get the boys with me" he nodded and we went to levins class first when he seen me and zane he ran over to us he said "mommy daddy! I mad a friend!" I smiled and zane said "really! Who is it"  just then a little girl with blonde hair and pink eyes came running over Levin said "her!" She giggled and said "hi I'm Alexis! Are you leaving wevin" he nodded and said "I'll be back tomorrow pwomise!" She hugged him and said "promise bye wevin!" I smiled it was so cute how their speaking in sentences but they still can't pronounce some words right I laughed and zane picked Levin up we then went to malichis room he said "can we go home now...." I bent down and said "oh sweetie what happened" he said "a boy was bein mean to me it's fine mom" I said "no it's not fine who was it" he pointed to a boy who did not look like he belonged in this grade with white hair and purple eyes he looked like a smaller version of sasha and a little I walked over and bent down I said "hi I'm aph what's your name" he shrugged and said "none of your business!" I was taken a back I said "how old are you" he said "11 I got held back a few times" I nodded and said "well my son said you were being mean to him may I ask why" he nodded and said "cause he's stupid he barely answered any questions in class and he's weird look at him he's a ghost he floats!" Grrrr....calm aph calm....I said as politely as possible "he is not stupid and he is not weird now I'm gonna ask you not to be rude to him anymore ok now I have to go" he said "whatever" I grabbed malichi and zane grabbed levin we all went out to my car and drive back to the house when we got there malichi and Levin at me and played off a bit then went to sleep while me and zane went to sleep as well....

So malichis being bullied! What will happen?! Find out next time in new neighbor! I don't know what that was lol anyway guys hope you enjoyed that's all for now bbbbbbbbyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeee

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