Chapter 14

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Time skip! Ruby and rose are now both 10,Malichi is 25 and has moved out and moved in with his girlfriend Melissa,levin is now 18 but still lives with Aph and zane,now Aph is 33 and so is zane! Now onto the story

Aphmaus pov
I was washing some of raynes clothes when my phone rang so I answered it and heard rayne and rubys teacher say "hello is this ms Ro,Meave" I said "uh yes why" she sighed and said "well ruby and rayne were walking down the stairs on the way to lunch but one of the older girls came up behind them and pushed them both down the stairs.." I said "WHAT?! WHY?!" She said "i dont know but you and mr Ro,Meave should come take them both to the hospital" we hung up and I went to zane I found him and said "hey we gotta go to the school ruby and rayne are hurt" we went out to the car and drove to the school we went to ms lillies room but there was just a note saying to go to the nurses office so we ran to the nurses office to see the girls both crying I hugged them and said "here were gonna take you to the hospital then you'll be ok" they nodded and we took them to the hospital the doctor said "so girls what's hurting" ruby said "my arm hurts really bad" i frowned and rayne said "my arm and leg" the doctor nodded and took them for x rays while they were gone I said "I wonder who pushed them" zane shrugged and said "I don't know but whoever it was better get suspended or expelled!" I nodded and the doctor called us back we went back there and he said "well rubys arm is broken it's not that bad but she'll have to wear a cast for about 4 weeks since the break isn't that bad" I nodded and he said "but rayne...she told me she fell down the stairs before ruby and held her arm and legs out to try to catch herself but that only resulted in her arm breaking and her leg also getting broken so she'll have a cast on her arm and leg and she'll be on crutches" zane said "how long and will they both be able to go to school" he nodded and said "yes school is fine theyll just need their friends to help them especially rayne and rayne will halve to keep her arm cast on for 4 weeks and her leg cast on for 7 weeks" I nodded and we went to go pick out the color of the casts for the girls ruby said "I want a purple one!" I smiled and rayne said "I want both of mine to be black" I looked at zane and said "I told you she's exactly like you! She even has your favorite color!" He laughed and the girls got the casts put on and the doctor told the girls what they can and can't do and taught rayne to use her crutches then we all got in the car and drive back home when we got there I said "ok so girls who pushed you down the stairs" ruby said "ugh Marie" I said "Marie shadows? makes since her mom used to pick on your father but I got mad and we got in a fight" zane said "wait Marie is Sasha's daughter?!" I nodded and rayne said "I don't know why she pushed us we didn't do anything! And I would I have been ok if she just pushed me but it's stupid she pushed ruby right after me" ruby said "before she pushed me she said well mine as well push the other twin since they have the same face their kinda the same person! And then she pushed me"  I nodded and said "well I'll talk to her mother later on about it now the doctor said you can still go to school so let's go pick out some outfits for you and we can decorate your crutches!" They nodded and we picked out some outfits and decorated raynes crutches...

she told me she fell down the stairs before ruby and held her arm and legs out to try to catch herself but that only resulted in her arm breaking and her leg also getting broken so she'll have a cast on her arm and leg and she'll be on crutches" z...

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When she said "WAIT! How ma I supposed to go to the dance like...this" I sighed and said "both of you can still go to the dance you'll just need a bit of help from some friends" ruby nodded and rayne said "but ruby is my only friend at school" ruby said "yes she has trouble making friends but hey! Maybe you can be friends with the new kid" I laughed and said "yes maybe she'll end up being your best friend!" She smiled and I said "I'm girls it's 11 time for bed" they nodded and I helped them both into bed since they have a bunk bed and I went to my room with zane and fell asleep...

"MOM WAKE Up!" I jumped up to see both ruby and rayne staring at me I said "hey why are you both already ready" rayne said "because the bus just drove by you overslept!" I jumped up and drive them both to school then went back home...

Raynes pov
"What if people make fun of me for having crutches or what if they pity me I don't want people feeling sorry for me" ruby sighed and said "it'll be fine and remember I have a cast as well just because you have one more than me and you have crutches don't make anything different if someone makes fun of you they make fun of me...also we have the same face so if someone makes fun of one of us they make fun of the other" I laughed and we went inside the school ruby helped me and we sat down in class the day was super boring up until lunch I couldn't find ruby so I had to carry my lunch and everything by myself...this is gonna be fun....I went and got my tray and attempted to walk with my crutches which ended in me dropping my tray,my crutches and I fell on my butt I sighed and tried to get back up but couldn't when a boy with white hair and purple eyes came over he helped me up and handed my crutches to me he said "here go sit down and I'll bring your tray to you" I smiled and went to my chair he came over with a tray and gave it to me I said "thanks" he smiled and said "your welcome im Lukas" I said "I'm rayne are you the new kid" he nodded and I said "well so far how do you like the school" he said "ah it's better than my old school back there I didn't have any friends and I lived with my dad now I live with my mom and my sister but still no friends" I said "well now we're friends cause I was lookin for some friends to no one really likes me as you could tell from when I was struggling in the floor and nobody was helping me" he smiled and said "well thanks for being my friend rayne" I nodded and me and Lukas spent the rest of the day together apparently we have all the same classes I just didn't notice him so at the end of the day it was break and me and Lukas were sitting in the grass just talking when the same girl that pushed me down the stairs came over with her friends she said "oh yay you broke some bones!" I groaned and Lukas said "Marie quit" she laughed and said "tell me brother why are you hanging out with her" I looked at him and said "brother?!" He sighed and said....

CLIFFHANGER! so does lukas' appearance remind you of someone? I wonder who he reminds me of! Heheheheheh anyway guys that's all for now hope you enjoyed bbbbbbbbbbbyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeee

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