Chapter 17

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A week later

Raynes pov
"Awwww that's so cute!" I nodded and my mom said "you two are a cute couple!" I smiled and my dad said "still don't like my baby girl growing up" I laughed and hugged him I said "sorry but I have to grow up I can't stop growing" he sighed and just then I heard a knock on the door I opened the door to see Lukas he smiled and said "I gotta tell you something!" I nodded and he pulled a little card out from his pocket he handed it to me and I said "no way! Lukas you got your drivers license that's amazing!!" He nodded and said "yea I took my driving test this morning and my mom decided to give me one of her cars cause she has like 20" I nodded and he moved over and I could not believe my eyes I said "irene I knew your family had money but a Ferrari?! How" he laughed and said "like I said my mom has like 20 cars and their all ferraris or porches" I said "wow this is so cool!" He nodded and said "you wanna go for a drive" I smiled and ran inside the house I came back out a minute later in a tank top,jeans,my hair in a ponytail,and sunglasses lukas said "you look cool bruh" I laughed and my mom and dad came out my mom said "hey Lukas! What's going on" I said "Lukas got his drivers license and we're going out for a drive because it's a freakin Ferrari!" She nodded and said "ok have fun oh wait do you care to take your sister she wants to go to the mall" I nodded and ruby came out she got in the back of the car and my mom went back into the house with my dad saying "what are you insane?!" I laughed and me and Lukas got into the car he said "so where do you wanna go" ruby said "the mall!" I nodded and we drove off when we got there ruby said "oh my irene can I marry this car?!" I laughed and said "I don't think lukas would like you marrying his car" she smiled and said "your boyfriend is awesome!" I nodded and said "I know now let's go" we all got out and went inside ruby ran off and I dragged Lukas to forever 21 I got a few outfits and then we left we started walking around until Lukas said "do you ever wanna go to college" I sighed and said "to be honest no I'd rather just work at like forever 21 I already know everything about it so no im not gonna go to college how about you" he laughed and said "n-no! I would miss you to much" I smiled and hugged him as we started walking again it hit me he's 16 if he does go to a college he'll leave way before me my thoughts were cut off by him grabbing my hand and saying "hey our first date was at that dance and that's not really romantic so what do Ya say want me to drop you off at your house and we can go on a date" I nodded and said "what should I wear" he said "shorts,t shirt" I nodded and then ruby came back holding a one direction cd I groaned and she said "I like them!" I sighed and said "yes I understand that but you know their name doesn't make since anymore right" she made a confused face and I said "zayne left so they went in two directions" she laughed and said "that's kinda funny but also true now let's go" I nodded and we all drove back to the house when I got out Lukas said "I'll pick you up at 8" I nodded and we went inside I just changed into a random t shirt with two dinosaurs on it...

Raynes pov"Awwww that's so cute!" I nodded and my mom said "you two are a cute couple!" I smiled and my dad said "still don't like my baby girl growing up" I laughed and hugged him I said "sorry but I have to grow up I can't stop growing" he sighe...

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And some random shorts...

After I changed I went into the living room to see mom smiling about something I said "what are you so happy about" she smiled and said "your aunt katelyn and uncle travis got married a few years ago as you know well she just called me

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After I changed I went into the living room to see mom smiling about something I said "what are you so happy about" she smiled and said "your aunt katelyn and uncle travis got married a few years ago as you know well she just called me...she's pregnant!" I said "wow that's great! Tell aunt katelyn and uncle travis im happy for them I can't wait to meet my cousin!" She nodded and I said "I got a date with Lukas" she said "aww you two are so cute" I nodded and said "mom...he's 16 im 14 if he decides to go to college he'll leave so much sooner than me..." She sighed and said "honey I honestly don't know what to tell you neither me or zane went to college since I already had Levin and malichi so" I sighed and just watched tv until I heard a knock on the door I opened it to see Lukas he took my hand and I turned towards my house I said "bye mom bye ruby bye dad" me and Lukas ran to his car and when we got in he said "off to the park!" I smoked and said "oh yea there's that fireworks show starting at 9!" He nodded and we drive to the park when we got there he led me to an area with candles,a picnic blanket,a basket,and it had an amazing view of the sky I smiled and we sat down i said "wow it got dark out fast I can barely see" he nodded and said "atleast we go the candles which makes it a lot easier to see" I nodded when all of a sudden I heard a big BOOM overhead I looked up and seen red,blue,green,yellow,purple,and pink fireworks exploding I smiled and I probably lookedsXo like a little girl who just met Cinderella at Disney land I heard someone laughed and I turned to see Lukas staring at me smiling I said "what is it" he said "your just so cute you look so happy" I blushed and he scooted closer to me he pur two fingers under my chin and turned my head towards his he said "I wanted to tell you this for so long and now I think it's the perfect time" I made a confused face and he said "rayne I love much! I have since we first met and I've wanted to tell you for so long I-" I cut him off by kissing him we pulled away and I said "i love you to and your rambling" he blushed and said "s-sorry" I laughed and said "it's fine it's cute" he smiled and we spent the rest of the night watching the fireworks we lost track of time until I looked at my phone and seen it was...3:00 AM?!?! I showed him my phone and he said "crap!" We packed up everything and ran to his car we climbed in and he drove me home he dropped me off and said "bye rayne...I love you" I smiled and said "I love you to bye" he drove off and I attempted to quietly slip in through R the front door but I went in and my dad was sitting there I said "h-heeeey dad" he said "it's 3 am" I nodded and said l "I know and I'm sorry me and Lukas were watching fireworks at the park and we lost track of time sorry" he sighed and said "it's fine just don't let it happen again" I smoked and hugged him I said "thanks dad im going to bed love you" he said "love you to sweetie" and I ran upstairs to my room I jumped on my bed and immediately fell asleep...

I've fallen in love with writing this book! Haha! Anyway that's all for now hope you enjoyed bbbbbbbbyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeee

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