Chapter 5

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Aphmaus pov
"Aph the boys are here we can go now!!" I turned off my phone and ran downstairs with my suitcase zane had one of those rolling suitcases and garroth and vylad were sharing a bag anyway mom said "ok guys there's a boat waiting for us at the docks go!" We all ran out and strarted walking to the docks halfway through I started struggling to lift my suitcase so zane picked it up I smiled and we finally got to the docks we all piled onto the boat and mom said "so what are you guys gonna do when we get there" I smiled and said "I'm probably gonna go to the water park and the beach" zane nodded and said "I'm goin wherever shes goin" katelyn said "I'm going to the water park to" garroth and vylad said "we're going to the beach" mom nodded and we finally go there when we did I grabbed my suitcase and jumped off the boat mom said "ok so we all have huts since there wasn't enough beds in one hut ok katelyn me and you share a hut garroth and vylad you two share and aph and zane share now here's the keys to your huts go find them and then do whatever you want as long as it's not illegal" we all nodded and ran to our huts me and zane found ours and I said "oh my irene! This place is so pretty!!!!" Zane laughed and said "wanna go to the water park now" I nodded and I went into the bathroom I changed into a little purple two piece

I stepped out of the bathroom and zane kinda stared at me for a minute until I said "hey! go change!" He nodded and went into the bathroom he came back out wearing some swim trunks and no shirt I blushed and he said "your blushing cause I don't ha...

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I stepped out of the bathroom and zane kinda stared at me for a minute until I said "hey! go change!" He nodded and went into the bathroom he came back out wearing some swim trunks and no shirt I blushed and he said "your blushing cause I don't have a shirt on arent you" I shrugged and said "yep!" He blushed and I said "ha! I can make you blush to now come on I wanna go on the water slide!" I grabbed his hand and we started walking to the water park we got to the water slide and climbed up the ladder when we got to the top zane sat down and said "sit down we can go down together I'll hold onto you" I did as he said and we slid down together when we got to the bottom we swam out and I said "THAT WAS AWESOME!" He nodded and just then my mom came up she said "awwww you two are seriously to cute together want to take a picture" I nodded and zane stood behind me he wrapped his arms around my waist and we both smiled my mom took the picture and said "ok go have fun" me and zane ran off to the beach and I layed my towel down he layed his down next to mine and we both layed down it was peaceful until someone said "well funny seeing you here!" I looked up and there stood sasha I stood up and said "sasha what do you want" she shrugged and said "well I really want to PUSH you and your little boyfriend around" she pushed me and I said "Sasha im on vacation I don't want to f-" she pushed me I sighed and said "Sasha I don't want to fight ok" zane said "aph wanna go back to our hut" I nodded and we started walking away but Sasha being sasha had to say "awww look at aphmaus stupid pathetic excuse of a boyfriend tryi-" I cut her off by saying "Sasha if you even finish that sentence I will....never mind I'm on vacation I don't want to fight im not gonna fight" she laughed and i grabbed zanes hand we ran to the hit and he said "I'm proud of you" I sighed and said "about what" he said "for not fighting cause I know you wanted to smack her upside the head" I nodded and said "especially for saying that about you" he hugged me and we stayed like that for awhile when we pulled away he sat down on the bed and I sat next to him he said "aph we haven't been together for very long but the time we have been together has been the time of my life and I never want it to end you've became my world and I couldn't live without you so...I wanted to say....I-I l-love you...." I smiled and tackled him in a hug he fell and I kissed him he wrapped his hands around my waist and When I pulled Away I said "I....l-love you to" he smiled and we hugged and for the rest of the day we just layed in bed and watched tv....

Awwwwww yay they said I love you! It's so cuuuute! So Kawaii anyway that's all for now hope you enjoyed bbbbbbbbbbbyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeee

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