Chapter 13

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Time skip to the wedding finally!

Btw there's two new characters in this chapter! *cough* aphs dad *cough*

Aphmaus pov
"Aph you look beautiful" I smiled and said "thanks katelyn so do you!" She said "I still can't believe my little sister is getting married!" I laughed and said "uh you are aware I have 4 kids right" she laughed and said "yes I am aware! Now shush I gotta do your makeup!" We stayed quite and she finished doing my makeup she said "ok done! Now I gotta go to my maid of honor spot!" She ran off and I looked in the mirror I brushed through my hair once more when I heard someone say "you look amazing mom" I turned to see Malichi I smiled and said "thanks malichi so I'm guessing your the one handing me off or did Levin win the fight" he laughed and said "I am Levin got bored and went to the buffet table" I laughed and heard the music start I looked at Malichi and he gave me his arm which I accepted and we walked through the doors I smiled and we walked up to zane when we got there malichi went back to his seat I looked at zane and he said "you look beautiful" I smiled and said "so do you" he laughed and the priest said "we are gathered here today to celebrate the union of Aphmau and Zane Ro,Meave if there is anyone that objects to the marriage of these two please speak now or forever hold your peace" no one said anything thank irene and the priest said lots of other stuff then he said "do you zane ro,meave take aphmau to be your lawfully wedded wife" zane nodded and said "I do" the priest said "and do you aphmau take zane ro,meave to be your lawfully wedded husband" I nodded and said "I do" the priest closed the book he was holding and said "you may now kiss the bride!" I smiled and me and zane kissed when we pulled away everyone was cheering and smiling then my dad came up he said "that was beautiful honey im happy for you" I smiled and said "thanks dad" we hugged and talked for awhile then katelyn came over she said "and think you two might have never gotten married if it wasn't for me" I laughed and said "thanks katelyn now I'm gonna go see rayne and ruby" she nodded and I went to my mom I said "thanks for watching them doing the wedding mom were they fussy" she said "no they were fine....aph" I looked at her and she said "you have a beautiful family you have a wonderful husband and 4 sweet kids" I smiled and said "I know....I love them so much" she nodded and said "oh I have to go your fathers probably looking for me" I nodded and she ran off I smiled at ruby and rayne in their cribs I picked them both up and zane came in he said "hey did your mom say they were fussy" I said "no she said they were fine" he nodded and said "I'm glad we're finally married" I nodded and said "me to I can finally officially call myself aphmau ro,meave" he smiled and said "wanna go home now" I nodded and we grabbed all our stuff and me,malichi,zane,and Levin all climbed into the car and levin said "so zanes officially our dad" I nodded and said "yep!" He smiled and we drove home when we got there i put rayne and ruby down for a nap while Levin and malichi went to go play video games I changed out of my wedding dress into some pajamas and went to the living room where zane was in pajamas to watching tv I sat down next to him and he said "looks like we both had the same idea" I nodded and said "yea that wedding dress was not comfortable what so ever!" He laughed and we sat there on the couch watching tv....

They are finally married! Yaaaaay! I really enjoyed this chapter for some reason....anyway guys that's all for now hope you enjoyed bbbbbbbbyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeee

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