Chapter 20

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Tiny time skip
Lukas' pov
"Lukas get up you have to go to school" I groaned and woke up I changed into a random shirt and some jeans then I brushed through my white hair and grabbed my bag I went downstairs and aphmau said "hey Lukas when's your birthday" I said "December 23" she smiled and said "wow that's really soon and really close to Christmas" I nodded and zane said "what would you like for your birthday and Christmas" I sighed and said "rayne to wake up it's been a month the doctor told us she would wake up soon!" Aph nodded and said "I know...she's gonna wake up soon I know she will now seriously what do you want" I said "you guys don't have to get me anything" zane nodded and said "yes we do Lukas we all know one day your gonna be part of this family you practically already are as much as we see you so we're getting you something wether you like it or not" i shrugged and said "ok well I don't know anything I want now I probably need to get to school" I grabbed an apple and left instead of taking my car I decided to walk so I started walking towards the school when my phone rung I answered it and a man said "is this Lukas shadows" I said "uh yes who is this" the man said "oh sorry it's dr Keaton from the hospital we have some amazing news rayne has woken up!" I smiled and said "R-really?! She's like seriously awake?!" Dr Keaton said "yes she's requesting to see her family and her boyfriend" I said "oh my irene this is amazing o-ok thanks bye" I hung up and ran back to the house I swung the door open and said "the doctor called she's awake she's asking for us! Everyone in my car it's faster" aph yelled "RUBY COME ON RAYNES AWAKE" we all ran to my car and drove to the hospital we ran to her room and before we opened the door I said "you ready" everyone nodded and we went in and we seen rayne sitting up talking to a doctor everyone attacked her in a hug and she said "hey guys...crushing...can't breathe" we all let go and said "sorry" I looked at her and said "even through you just woke up you still look beautiful!" She blushed and I laughed aphmau said "oh I'm so happy your awake" zane and ruby nodded and rayne said "how long was I in a coma for" I said "uh a month" she said "A MONTH?!" I nodded and said "yes but if your worried about schoolwork I did all yours for you" she smiled and ruby was crying rayne hugged her and said "hey I'm awake im all right" she nodded and said "I was so scared" and for the rest of the day we all talked and just spent time with rayne later on the doctors came in and said "visiting hours are over one person can stay" rayne said "can Lukas stay" I nodded and everyone else hugged her and left I sat down on her bed next to her and said "I missed you so much" she nodded and said "I missed you to" we kissed and this time she actually kissed back when we pulled away the doctor came in he said "well rayne we ran a few tests and you can go home when ever you want" she smiled and said "really?!" He nodded and unhooked the machines from her he left and she said "can you help me up" I nodded and helped her up I said "can you walk to the bathroom and change yourself or do I need to help" she laughed and said "I can't tell if your trying to be a perv or trying to be helpful" I laughed and said "the second one" she said "I think I can" I nodded and gave her the bag of clothes her mom and dad brought I gave it to her and she stumbled into the bathroom I waited a few minutes and she came out of the bathroom with her hair in a pony tail in a black crop top with some skinny jeans I smiled and said "you look nice" she smiled and said "let's get out of here" I nodded and we went out of my car she said "what's today" I said "uh December 20th" she jumped and said "what?! Your birthday is in 3 days I have to get you something" I sighed and said "don't get me anything you waking up is the only thing I wanted" she smiled and nodded..

Raynes pov (long time no see eh?)
Im so happy to finally be awake it was so weird i couldn't feel anything,and I couldn't see anything,but I could hear everything...anyway we drove to my house and when we got there mom said "they let you leave already?" I nodded and said "yea lukas drove me here" they nodded and me and lukas sat down mom and dad sat next to us and mom said "everything's back to normal" I nodded and said "yea hey what caused me to go into that coma I remember I was exercising then I just passed out" Lukas said "you lost to much air and couldn't breathe" I nodded and for the rest of the day we all talked about whatever...

She's awake!!!! Yaaaaaaayy!! WOOP WOOP! Ok I'm way to exited for this lol anyway guys that's all for now hope you enjoyed bbbbbbbbyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeee

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