Chapter 1

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First chapter of my new zanemau book WOOP WOOP!

Aphmaus pov
"KATELYN! Someone new is moving in across the street!!" She nodded and said "ok yea cool you should go see if they need help" I smiled and said "ok tell mom where I am ok" she nodded and said "be careful!" I nodded and went across the street to be greeted with a woman with black hair and pale skin I smiled and said "hi! I'm aphmau i live across the street and I wanted to see if you need any help unpacking" she smiled and said "I'm zianna and yes actually can you take this box up to the third room to the left when you go up the stairs please" I nodded and took the box to the room I walked in and set it down only for someone to scare me saying "who are you" I jumped and turned to see a boy with blonde hair and blue said "I'm aphmau I live across the street I came to help you unpack" he nodded and said "I'm garroth ro,meave" I nodded and another boy came in he had brown hair and green eyes he said "hey gar-whos she" I said "aphmau I live across the street I came to help you unpack" he smiled and said "I'm vylad and it's nice to know there's a few friendly people on the street" I nodded and ANOTHER boy came in he had black hair covering one eye and the most amazing icy blue eyes garroth said "zane this is aphmau she lives across the street and came to help us unpack" he nodded and vylad picked up a box he said "aphmau if you don't care could you take this box to zanes room Hes to lazy to carry any boxes" I laughed and picked up the box I took it to zanes room with him following when I set it down I said "you guys moved at a pretty good time spring break just started at school so you guys luckily don't have to go to school for a few months" he didn't say anything so i said "so judging by the two beds in the other room garroth and vylad are sharing a room to me it looked like there was plenty enough room for another bed so why do you have your own room if you don't mind me asking" he sighed and said "I don't like people that much" i said "not even your own brothers" he said "I don't not like my brothers I just like my privacy" I nodded and said "your lucky me and my big sister katelyn share a room we have since I was born!" He didn't say anything so I said "I'm gonna get going see Ya around zane" he waved and I started walking out I seen vylad and garroth I said "zane doesn't talk that much does he" they both said "no" I laughed and said "I'm gonna go if you guys ever wanna hang out im right across the street see ya!" I walked out and seen zianna again I waved and said "I'm going back home if you guys ever need anything I'm right across the street" she smiled and said "thanks so much aphmau" I went back home and mom said "how was the new neighbors" I nodded and said "good" I went upstairs to mine and katelyns room she smiled and said "the Ro,Meave brothers eh?" I looked at her and she said "the power of the internet I found out they were moving here from O,Kasis apparently back in O,Kasis they were the lords sons so they were pretty important" I nodded and she said "the blonde ones pretty cute isn't he" " I laughed and said "garroth? Nah" she said "what about the brunette" I said "vylad? no" she groaned and said "don't tell me you think the black haired one is cute" I smiled and said "zane and he's kinda cute" she smiled and said "awh! My little sis has a crush!" I laughed and said "I know nothing about him so I don't and can't have a crush on him I just simply think he is cute" she nodded and said "uh huh sure" I groaned and said "Katelyn su loco" (it means katelyn your insane) she laughed and said "I'm not insane" I Layed down and fell asleep....

Hai! So first chapter of my new zanemau book hope you liked it! Anyway that's all for now hope you enjoyed bbbbbbbbbbbyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeee

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