Chapter 1

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Emily POV

I slammed my hand on my alarm clock and got out of bed. I went into the bathroom and took a shower. I got out and picked out a black shirt, hoodie, and skinny jeans. I grabbed my black wig and put it over my blonde hair.

No I'm not one of those girls who wears wigs all the time, I just don't like my hair color. It's a long story.

After I pulled it on I grabbed a granola bar and started walking to school.
Once I got to school I went to my locker trying not to be seen.

"Hey freak. Over here freak," I heard kids call. Of course they were Evan Parkers little "gang". I went back to putting stuff in my locker. Once I finished I closed my locker walking to homeroom. But of course Evan comes my way.

"Hello....freak," he said pushing me making me drop all of my stuff.

"I have a name," I said quietly.

"We know it's freak," said Logan. Logan Scott was Evan right hand man. He had blonde hair and brown eyes, but Evan is the opposite. He has dark brown hair almost black and bright blue eyes.

I quickly grabbed all of my things off the ground. But while I did that somebody kicked me and I fell. I winced in pain, but got up and started walking away from them. Once I got to homeroom I sat down in my seat. I sat in the back by a window. Then Austin walked in. He sat by me last year, cause it was the only seat left. He got to know me, but he was part of Evans "gang". He could sit anywhere this new school year, but right now he was walking towards me.

"Hey Emily. How was your summer," he said to me. He sat down next to me and looked into my eyes.

"Fine. Why are you sitting here? You can sit anywhere in the room." I said quietly.

"Yeah, but we're friends."
He saw me holding my side. "What happened this morning?" He asked seriously. He was the one who never picked on anyone.

"Evan and his "gang" got to me," I said looking away. He took my hands from my shirt and lifted it a little. You could see a little skin and it was bruised badly. I heard him curse under his breath.

"How many bruises do you have Em?" I shrugged. "Em look at me," I looked up. "Did they bother you over the summer."

I nodded. He sighed and hugged me.

"You might want to let go of me. You know before your friends get here." I said quietly. He nodded and let go of me.

"Wanna come to my house after school Em?" He asked. I nodded. He smiled and said, "I will drive you. Meet me at my car after school." I nodded then the bell rang and I went to my first period class.
Lunch time came. Oh no. This is the worst time of day. I grabbed my lunch and walked to my table in the back. I sat alone because I was to big of a "freak" to have friends. I took out my lunch and started eating.

"Hey," said a girl who just walked up.

"Hi? Are you lost?" I said suspiciously. She shook her head.

"No I'm new and I was wondering if I could sit here."

"I guess you can. But people are going to tease you for sitting with the freak."

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