Chapter 4

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Austin POV

After getting the texts from Emily. I got out of my bed and got dressed quietly. I sneaked downstairs and out the door to my car. I unlocked it and got in. I drove to Emily's house and parked my car. I texted her that I'm here. I got out and walked to the door. I stood there till she opened up. Her eyes were puffy and tears falling down her face.

"You didn't have to come," she said quietly.

"Yes I did. Emily you are like a sister to me. I will always love you."

She hugged me and we just stood like that for a few minutes. Then we broke apart and she closed the door.

We're are her parents. If they see me and her they will flip.

I looked at Emily confused. She grabbed my hand and led me to the living room. I sat down and she sat next to me.

"We're are your parents?" I asked. I felt her tense and suck in a breath.

"You don't have to tell me." I said quickly before she said anything.

"No it's ok. You deserve to know why I have nightmares." She looked at me. "This is my Aunt and Uncle's house. They are away on a business trip. I live with them because my parents died in a car crash. It was two years ago. I was in 9th grade. I was called to the office. I lived somewhere else at the time. Once I got there the lady told me that they were in a car crash and that they didn't live. That I was to move in with my Aunt and uncle. I was to go and get all of my stuff and to come back. I was walking to my locker and I bumped into somebody. He started calling me dumb because I walked into him. He blamed it on my hair color. So I started wearing a wig."

I looked at her. Tears were running down her face. I hugged her.

People tease her and she has no parents. She has a hard time. She needs me more than the gang needs me.

Just then there home phone rang. She got up and answered it.

"Yes this is Emily," she replied into the phone. The guys said something and she froze. A sob escaped her mouth. I walked over to her. She said goodbye to the guys still crying. I looked at her in concern.

"There was a plan crash and barely anyone survived. My Aunt and Uncle were on the plane," she said crying into my shoulder. I just put my arms around her.

"Come on you should go to bed," I whispered into her ear. She shook her head.

"I'm scared to go to bed. I can't deal with the nightmares. Now that I have nobody."

"You don't have nobody. You have me and you will always have me. How about if I stay here with you tonight and protect you from nightmares."

She looked up and smiled. She nodded. I picked her up bridal style and she squealed. I walked upstairs and she directed me to her room. I sat her down and tucked her in. I laid on the bed next to her. She cuddled into my arms and she fell asleep. Soon after I fell asleep too.
I woke up with Emily in my arms. She looked so peaceful. I looked at the time. It was 5:47. School started at 7. I nudged her and she woke up yawning.

"Good morning sleepy head," I whispered.

She smiled and got out of bed.

"I have to go home, but how about I come and pick you up at 6:30." I said grabbing my jacket.

"But won't your friends see you," she asked.

She's right they will see me. But I don't care anymore. Evan said that he would stop being mean.

"I don't care." I said.


"Yeah. Be ready at 6:30."

She nodded and I walked out. I got into my car and drove home. I walked inside and found my mom on the couch looking worried. When she saw me she ran and hugged me.

"Where were you?!?!" She screamed.

"One of my friends needed me."

She look confused. "Why would one of the boys need you?"

"She needed me."

" little boy has a crush."

"NO... She is like a sister to me and she is having a hard time."

Her face softened. "Is she ok. Does she need anything."

"She going to need a family. And I am her family. So if I'm never not home when you wake up I'm probably there."

She nodded and walked back upstairs. I walked up behind her. I went into my room and changed into clean clothes. I walked downstairs and into the kitchen. I grabbed an apple and looked at the time. 6:15. I grabbed my bag and started walking to the door.

"Mom, I'm leaving." I called upstairs. I walked out and got into the car. I started driving to Emily's house. Once there she walked outside and got into my car. She was wearing her wig and glasses.

Man I wish that I could get her to stop wearing that.

"Why are you driving me?" She asked.

"Cause you shouldn't walk in the rain and your my friend."

"Your going to get teased."

"They can't make fun of me. I can beat them up."

We arrived at the school and I parked. We walked into the school.

"I'll see you in homeroom." I said walking towards my locker.

She nodded walking the other way. I walked to my locker and opened it up. There was a tap on my shoulder. I turned to see the gang behind me.

"Why were you with the Freak this morning," Logan asked.

"Cause it was raining and I thought I would be nice and drive her. Do you have a problem with that."

"No, none of us do," said Evan. I looked at him. He motioned for the guys to leave.

"So Mystery goes to my school and she knows that I bully people," he said with concern.

"You really like her."

He nodded. I've never seen him so desperate for a girl.

"She's nice and sweet. I enjoy talking to her." He said blushing a little.

I bit my lip trying not to laugh. I can't believe he really has a crush on Emily.

"Ok. Well stop bullying and apologize to Emily." I said grabbing the rest of the stuff out of my locker. He nodded and walked away. I knew that this is going to be a long day.

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