Chapter 14

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Evan POV

I sat in the waiting room of the hospital. They have not said anything about Emily yet. Then a doctor came out of the room. I stood up quickly.

"Is she ok?!?" I asked panicked.

"I'm sorry to say this, but Emily took a lot of damage and right now in a coma. Does she have any family that I call for her?" He said.

I froze.

No. No she can't leave me. This can't be happening.

I shook my head then sat down and put my head in my hands as tears started running down my face for the first time in years. I wiped my eyes quickly and tried to breathe before getting up and going into Emily's room. She was lying in the bed with wires all over here. I just walked over and sat by her bed and held her hand.

"Please Emily come back to me. I need you. Please come back."
Two weeks went on and Emily did not wake up yet. I barely went to school, I tried to stay with her as much as I could. From when visiting hours started to when they ended.

She was going to wake up. I know she was going to. I need something to give her when she wakes up.

Then it hit me. She wanted shakers to stay open. I grabbed her phone off the desk and found the owners number. I dialed it and prayed that he would answer.

"Hello?" James answered.

"Hello. This is Evan Parker. I am Emily's boyfriend."

"Oh. I heard what happened. How's she doing?"

"She has not woken up yet, but she will.  I want to reopen shakers."

"No offense kid, but nobody can raise enough money."

"Well I would like to donate money."

"Ok. Let's meet up to talk about this."
I went to meet James at a little cafe downtown. I walked into the cafe and sat down at the table with my phone right next to me Incase the hospital needed anything.

"Hello. Are you Evan?" A man asked walking up to me.

"Yes. You must be James."

"Yes indeed. How is she doing?"

"Good. She is holding up strong."

"That's good, so why do you have this crazy plan to open back up shakers?"

"Shakers is all Emily has left...and she was so upset about it. I wanna give her something to wake up to."

"You have the funds?"

I nodded and pulled out a check.

"Make shakers just like it was, and I will get the information out that you guys are back open.

He nodded. We discussed for a few more minutes and agreed on a plan. I then started posting things about the reopening, after doing that I said bye to James and drove back to the hospital. I walked to Emily's room and saw Austin inside of it. I just walked over to him and hugged him tightly.

"Hey dude." He said.

"I'm reopening shakers for her." I blurted out while pulling back. He looked at me shocked a little bit.


I nodded and went to sit on the other side of the bed.

"I know that she will wake up. She will not leave us." I said holding her hand. Then I felt a squeeze on my hand. I looked down and froze.

Emily moved.

"Austin? Emily just squeezed my hand!"

"What! Get a doctor. Maybe she's starting to wake up." He said as he ran out of the room to find a doctor. A few minutes later a doctor came in with Austin right behind him.

"How may I help you?" He asked.

"She squeezed my hand. She moved. Is she waking up!"

He looked a some monitors. "She is not awake yet, but that shows signs that she is still living." I sighed and he left the room. Austin gave me a supportive smile, and then said he had to leave. I hugged him and then went back to holding Emily's hand.

"Please Emily come back. I need you in my life. I miss your voice. I missed everything about you. I don't think I can live without you. You need to wake up. Alex is so worried and Austin is barely getting any sleep. I've been trying to stay with you as long as I can. I just can function without you. Baby, you need to wake up. Please for me." I said holding her hand. I kissed her hand and she squeezed my hand.

Then my phone rang. I picked it up.

"Hello" I answered.

"Hey Evan. It's James. I got the building back. We just need some supplies and we have to clean."

"Cool. I want to open Friday night. I'll get some of my friends to come over and clean. Buy whatever you need to preform."

"Ok. I'll tell you if anything happens."

Then we both hung up and I stood up. I kissed Emily on the head.

"I'll be back tomorrow baby...I love you." I whispered squeezing her hand. I wiped my eyes and walked out of the room to my car. I got home and immediately went to my room and fell asleep.
I woke up and it was already 9. I got up and dressed. I walked out the door and drove over to the hospital. Today was Thursday and we were reopening shakers tomorrow night. I got to the hospital and I walked into Emily's room. I sat in the chair by her bed.

I took out my phone and called Austin. He picked up at the first ring.


"Hey. I need you to round up some people and got and fix up shakers. Please."

"Sure. I'll get Alex. Talk to you tonight."

I then held Emily's hand.

"Come on Emily please wake up. I need you." I said with a tear falling down my face. Then she squeezed my hand and her eyes fluttered. I gasped.

Her eye shot open.

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