Chapter 36

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Emily POV

"Do we have drink?" I ask for the thousandth time.

"Yes!" Evan exclaims.

"Sorry...I kinda nervous about this party."

"Why?" Evan asked me.

"Cause what if Logan finds out? Or what if your friends don't like my friends? Or-"

"Nothing bad is going to happen." Evan says cutting me off. Right as I tried to talk back the door bell rang.

I went to open it and Hayley was standing there with a big smile. She was wearing a Nirvana shirt with a flannel.

"Hey!" I said hugging her.

"Hey...."she said shyly. I grabbed her arm and pulled her in.

"Your the first one here, but the boys will all come at the same time. Then Alex will come soon too." I explained to her. I pulled her into the living room where Evan was. He stood up and walked over to us.

"Hey I'm Evan. It's nice to meet you...I have heard a lot about you." Evan said with a smile.

"Nice to meet you too." Hayley said back. We sat down on the couch. Once we sat down the doorbell rang again. I went to get up, but Evan beat me to it.

"I'll get's probably the boys." Evan said walking to the door. A few seconds later the boys walked into the living room.

"Emily!" Noah exclaimed. He came over to me and hugged me. Simon just waved at me and Hayley. Luke and Liam came in after and came over to me and Hayley.

"Hey Em." Both of them said at the same time. They look at each other.

"Stop saying things while I'm saying them." Liam argued.

"No you stop." Luke said back.

"Both of you better shut up." Evan said from across the room. They glared at him and then turned to Hayley.

"Hello?" Liam said.

"Oh guys this is my friend Hayley." I introduced.

"Hey. I'm Luke and this is my twin Liam." Luke said to her.

"I'm Noah." Noah yelled out. I just laughed and turned to Hayley.

"That's Simon, but he doesn't talk much...he's a little shy." I explained. I looked around, but didn't see Austin.

"Guys were is Austin?" I asked.

"He was right behind us." Said Luke. Evan glanced out the window and laughed.

"Everybody look out the window."

We all looked out the window and Alex and Austin were kissing on the front porch. I quickly stood up and ran to the front door. I opened it.

"Looks like you guys have started your own party out here." I said while laughing.

They both stopped kissing and looked at me. They both blushed and Alex just walked past me inside. I walked up to Austin and got In his face.

"You hurt her...I will break you." I threaten and walked back inside. After we all got there and we all sat down.

"Okay. Before we start I would like to ask what happened on the day you got suspended." Austin said to Evan.

"Yeah...and why is Logan not here today?" Noah asked.

Evan sighed and told the story.

"I don't know how to answer to that except by putting my fist in Logan's face." Luke said. I laughed a little.

"Let's not worry about this right now and just hang out." I said to everybody. They all nodded in agreement.

"So what are we going to do?" Noah asked.

"Why doesn't Mystery sing us a little song." Liam said. They all cheered and agreed.

"Can I sing it with someone?" I asked. They all looked at each other and nodded. I smiled and grabbed Hayley's hand. I pulled her upstairs and to my room. I went to my closet and pulled out my guitar.

"So what song do you want to sing?" I asked Hayley.

"You want me to sing with you?" She asked.

"Of course. Why not?"

"What if I mess up in front of them?" She asked nervously.

"You will not. Help me pick a song." I gestured her over to me and we started looking.

Once we found it we went back downstairs. We walked in and they all looked up at us. Me and Hayley sat down on the couch facing everyone. I strummed a few cords and started.

(Hayley singing)
The weight
Of a simple human emotion
Weighs me down
More than the tank ever did

The pain
It's determined and demanding
To ache, but I'm okay...

(Both singing)
And I don't want to let this go
I don't want to lose control
I just want to see the stars with you

And I don't want to say goodbye
Someone tell me why
I just want to see the stars with you

(Emily singing)
You lost, a part of your existence
In the war, against yourself
Oh, the lights,
They light up in lights of sadness
Telling you, it's time to go

(Both singing)
And I don't want to let this go
I don't want to lose control
I just want to see the stars with you

And I don't want to say goodbye
Someone tell me why
I just want to see the stars with you

(Hayley singing)
Don't give it up just yet stay grand
For one more minute, don't give it up just yet
Stay grand

(Both singing)
(I don't want to let) And I don't want to let this go
(I don't want to lose) I don't want to lose control
(And I just want to see) I just want to see the stars (the stars with you) with you

And I don't want to say (don't want to say) goodbye
Someone tell me why (tell me why)
I just want to see the stars (the stars with you) with you

With you

We finished and every clapped. I smiled at Hayley.

This was my family and I loved them. The door bell rang and I gave the guitar to Hayley while I went to get it. I opened the door and it was the two people I didn't want to see.

"Having a party without me?" Logan said standing next to Sam.

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