Chapter 20

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Emily POV

I woke up in the morning and I remembered back to last night. I never told anyone about. My aunt had a nursery for him in case we ever came to see them. I got up and got a quick shower. I put on some skinny jeans and a 5 seconds of summer t-shirt. Alex got me into this band over the break.

I pulled my hair up after drying it. I grabbed my bag and walked downstairs. There was a note from Evan.


I had to go to school early. Meet you there.


I smile and ate a quick bowl of cereal. I then grabbed my bag and walked out to my car. I drove over to school singing along to the radio. I grabbed my bag and walked into the school. I put my stuff in my locker and started walking to homeroom. Then I turned the corner.

I saw Gracie and Evan kissing.

I gasped. Evan then turned and saw me.

"Em. It's not what....." But before he could finish I ran. I ran to my car and drove. I parked quickly so I could text Alex.

To: Alex
I need your help. Little coffee shop. Downtown.

Not even a minute later she replied.

From: Alex
Yeah. But u better tell me what happened.

I started driving over to the shop. It was just a little shop. I sat down at a table by the window. A few minutes later Alex walked in. She came over and sat right next to me. She hugged me while I cried into her shoulder.

I told her about everything that happened this morning.

"I'm going to beat him up for hurting my best friend." Alex exclaimed. I laughed a little.

"Alex. Can I stay with you?" I asked.

"Yes! My parents would love you."

I looked at the time. 11:35

"We should probably go and get my stuff before Evan get home." She nodded and we paid for the bill. We got to Evan's house and he was not there.

Guess he really doesn't care.

We quickly packed up all of my stuff and put in the car. We got in and I followed Alex over to her house. School has just ended. We got to Alex's house and she helped me with her bags.

"My parents will be home soon." I nodded.

"What about the dance! I bought that dress." I exclaimed.

"We can go." She said.

"No. I'll see him."

"I'll stay with you the whole night."


"Ok let's get you ready and show him what he is missing out on!"
Alex was a miracle worker.

My hair was curled and she did a smokey eye. I put on my dress, heels, and some simple jewelry. I had some lite pink lipstick on as well.

I didn't even look like me.

Once me and Alex were done we walked downstairs. Her parents were sitting on the couch together. They stood up and walked over to us.

"You girls look beautiful." Alex's mother, Michelle, said. We thanked her and got some quick pictures. We then drove over to the school. We got out and started walking to the front door. Then I saw some familiar blonde hair.


He saw me and Alex. His face lit up and he walked over to us. He hugged me. He pulled out of the hugged and realized that I was not smiling.

"What's wrong?" He asked. Alex pulled me and Austin over to some benches away from the doors.

"Evan cheated. It's all your fault. You had to make me tell him everything." I said. Tears welled up in my eyes. I didn't want to cry and ruin my makeup.

"Em. Alex. Let's go out to eat and just hang out. This dance is lame anyways." He said. Then he whispered something into Alex's ear. She nodded and we went to our cars.

"Austin? Can we go to Shakers?" I asked before he got into his car.


"Cause I need to let my anger out. And singing helps me." Austin just nodded. I walked back to Alex. We got in and I directed her to Shakers.

"Em. Are we going to a club?!?!" Alex exclaimed. I laughed and little bit and nodded. We got out and found Austin. Austin took Alex to go get seats while I went to go find James. I walked backstage to find a very panicked James. He turned and saw me.

"Em! Thank god your here. We need a singer. Somebody just canceled." James said panicked.

"Well good cause I wanted to sing." He hugged me after hearing this. I walked to my dressing room and checked my hair and makeup. I grabbed my mask and put it on carefully. I walked out and James said that I could go on. I walked out on stage and up to the microphone.

"Hey guys. I'm singing a original tonight. It's called melody."

I love the way you look at me
I love the way you make me feel
Even know it will not last
Cause I'm not that kind on girl

Cause I love your eyes
Cause they can see into me
I love your arms
Cause they hold me tight
I love your lips
Cause they whisper to me a melody

Walking around with my hand in yours
Feeling so good tonight
Getting stares from around the room
Cause I know I'm not good enough for you

Cause I love your eyes
Cause they can see into me
I love your arms
Cause they hold me tight
I love your lips
Cause they whisper to me a melody

The shouts and names came
Then the nightmares followed
You ran then fell
I screamed and the sun went down
Then I woke to find you gone with her

I loved your eyes
Cause they could see into me
So I know you see my broken heart

I loved your arms
Cause they held me tight
But now the nightmares can find me

I loved your lips
Cause they whispered to me a melody
Which is now in a minor key

But not all melodies have happy endings

I finished the song with tears coming down my face. Everybody clapped and I saw eyes.

They were blue like the ocean.

They were the eyes that hurt me.

Alex and Austin saw him and they rushed backstage. I ran off the stage and rushed to my room. I ran to Austin and hugged him.

This was the only boy who hasn't left me.

The only boy who cares.
Evan POV

The song was about me. I went home to find all of her stuff gone. I thought maybe she would go to the dance so I came and waited for her.

Till Gracie showed up.

She was wearing the same color as Emily was supposed to be wearing. I quickly got away. She didn't see me luckily.

This morning was a mistake. I let everyone get in my head.

I ended up following them to shakers. I saw the hurt in her eyes when she saw me. The tears running down her face.

I was going to get her back.

I needed her.

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