Chapter 37

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Emily POV

"I don't know what you are talking about." I stuttered. Logan glared at me.

"Well this guy came to my house and said my friends are having a party without me." Logan said pointing to Sam.

"Nope it's just me and Evan right now." I choked out. "So you can leave."

As I said that I closed the door in his face, but he put his foot in the door first. I yelled for Evan and he came to me.

"What's wrong Em." He said, but then her looked at me trying to close the door.

"Logan." Was all I had to say. Evan opened the door and looked straight at Logan.

"What do you want?!" Evan asked angry.

"I want to know why all of the guys were invited to a party and I wasn't." Logan said causality. He looked at Sam.

"Why are you here?" He questioned.

"Just helping a friend." He said smiling at Logan. Evan turned back to Logan.

"The guys are here cause I can trust them. Unlike you." Evan said to Logan.

"What happened between us Evan." Logan exclaimed.

"You are the reason Lillian died!" Evan yelled at him. Right at that moment hurt flashed in Logans eyes.

"What." He said quietly.

"You used my sister and got here pregnant. She killed herself cause she couldn't take it." Evan yelled at him. I looked at Sam and even he looked hurt.

"Evan-" Logan started.

"No don't say that you didn't know. I should of never let her near you. Everybody falls and nobody gets back up." He said. "Now will you please leave?"

"No." Logan said. "Not till you understand what me and your sister had."

"You had nothing! She was just a kid who thought she could change you. You have hurt to many people in your life! I don't understand how you can keep hurting people! Me, Lillian, your family, Maria-" Evan yelled but got cut off.

"Don't you dare mention her name!" Logan yelled. His fist we clenched and he was angry.

"Why!? Cause you know that you messed up! You know that she could still be here with us! If you didn't have to let people fall without them knowing. Without anyone to catch them when you don't!" Evan yelled at Logan. Tears welded up in Logan's eyes, but they were wiped away by regret.

"Maria was going to have to leave soon anyways. She was weak. She couldn't deal with her problems. It was her fault that she fell for me, not mine." Logan said closing his eyes for a second.

"She could of lived if you could of helped her, but you had to cheat. You had to hurt her more, break her more! That's all your good at! Breaking people till they are not able to be fixed." Evan said to Logan. "Now I think it is time for you to leave."

Evan then closed the door in Logan's and Sam's faces. He grabbed me by the arm and hugged me. His heart was pounding almost outside his chest as he breathed heavily.

"Why does everybody keep leaving me?" Evan whispered.

"I wouldn't leave you." I said back. He pulled away and smiled. We walked back into the living room and everybody looked at us.

"What just happened." Austin asked.

"Logan showed up and Evan got a little upset." I said holding Evan's hand. Austin laughed a little.

"Sounds like Evan." Austin said. Me and Evan sat down on the couch.

" let's get this party started." Evan said. He went to the kitchen and brought back some beers. He handed one to everybody and I gladly took it. I was never one that liked alcohol, but with everything that happened I need some.

And thats how the night took a turn.
Everybody said goodbye as the guys left. Alex and Hayley left a few minutes before. Evan was passed out on the couch after drinking his eight beer. I shook his and he startled awake.

"Em. You look pretty at night." He slurred. I rolled my eyes.

"Come on Evan let's get you upstairs." I said back to him. He stood up but barely could hold his balance. I grabbed his arm and threw it over my shoulder. I helped up the stairs and over to my room. I threw him on the bed and I tried to let go. Evan grabbed me and pulled me on to his chest.

"Emily...." He slurred. "I love you."

"I love you to Evan. Now go to sleep please." After I said that he fell asleep and I was right behind him.

I fell asleep to the sounds of his breaths and thoughts of who Maria is.

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