Chapter 8

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Evan POV

I woke up with somebody laid on top of me. I looked down and found Emily's legs. I remember back to last night. I knew that she had nightmares, but I didn't know they were this bad. I looked over to the other couch and found Austin on his phone. I slid out and placed Emily gently down. I covered her with a blanket.

"Oh. Your up." Austin said as I sat down next to him.

"Yeah. I'm trying to adjust to everything."

"Look Evan. I know that you really like Mystery. I know you would do anything for her. We need to help Emily."

"How will we do that?"

"Well first she needs to trust you. Then we have to get her out of her house. She gets no sleep when's she is all by herself."

"Well where will she go."

He thought for a few minutes. "Well you live alone." I looked at him.

"You want her to stay with me." I had my own place. I just stayed at my parent's place if I was bored.

Austin nodded and looked at me. "Please Evan. I know that you love her."

"What. How can you prove that?"

"Well you were going to ask Mystery to be your girlfriend."

I sighed. I knew that I loved Mystery. She was different from other girls. She never put tons of makeup on or wore stripper clothes. Now knowing that Emily was Mystery. I knew that I liked her and that I felt bad that I hurt her.

"Fine. I love Emily. When she shows herself. She is just like Mystery. And that is the girl that I fell in love with." I confessed.
Emily POV

I snuggled up in the blanket. I heard voices around me.

"Fine. I love Emily. When she shows herself. She is just like Mystery. And that is the girl that I fell in love with."

Omg. Evan loves me. No that can't be true. He likes Mystery. Wait.....crap. I am Mystery. Oh man what do I do.

I moved around and sat up yawning. I was trying to not show that I was listening. Then I realized that I didn't have any nightmares after I slept near both of them.

Of course Evan is attractive, but after everything that has happened could I ever like him?

I looked at the boys.

"We have decided something Emily." Austin said. They both stood up and one sat on each side on me.

"What have you decided?" They each took one arm.

"Your going to move in with Evan." Austin blurted out tightening his grip.


"Emily we are trying to help...."

"No I'm not moving! You can't force me." I said as I tried to get out of there grip. I struggled and moved around. "Let go of me!"

"Emily listen to us and then we will let u go." Austin shouted. I stopped moving.

"We don't want you alone in that house. After seeing how bad your nightmares are. We think you should move in with somebody. Just so they can calm you down if you get nightmares." Austin explains.

"Why him?"

A bit of hurt flashed across Evan's face.

"Because I live alone." Evan said looking into my eyes. I frowned. I shook my head. I just then realized that there grips loosened. I pull out of there grip and ran up stairs. I ran into a room and locked the door. I heard there fists slamming into the door.

"Emily!!!! Come out now!" Austin screamed.

"Please can we just talk about this!" Evan screamed.

Tears welled up in my eyes. I let them fall till I was crying into my hands.

"Mom. Why can't you be here with me." I whispered. I just then noticed the window. I walked over to the window and opened it quietly. I looked down. There was a tree right there. I grabbed on to a branch and climbed in to the tree. I then swung down and landed on the ground. I looked around. I found my car parked out front. I went to my front door and found my spare car key in the plant. I didn't care what I was wearing.

I was going to see my mom.
Austin POV
I banged in the door. I heard crying and then a creak.

"I think she went out the window." Evan said running downstairs. He opened the door and be found her driving down the street. I grabbed his arm and dragged him to my car. We both got in and started following her. She stopped at a cemetery and ran inside. We parked right next to her and ran inside after her.

"Look there she is." I said as I saw her kneeling in front on three graves. Evan walked ahead of me. We walked up to her and found her crying into her hands. I read the graves from behind her.

Lynsey Ann Wells

David Michael Wells

Andrew Scott Wells

Then I realized that these were her family's graves. I kneeled down behind her. She still did not notices us behind her crying. I put my hand on her shoulder and pulled her into my chest. I calmed her down. Evan came and kneeled next to me. Emily sat up and wiped her eyes. Evan pulled her into a hug. She sobbed into his shoulder till she fell asleep.

"Let's get her to my place." Evan said. He picked her up bridal style with her head on his shoulder. We started walking back to the cars. I found Emily's keys and decided to drive her car. Evan drove my car in front of me while I followed with Emily sleeping in the backseat. We pulled up at Evan's house. I grabbed Emily from the backseat and carried her into his house.

"Where should I put her?" I asked.

"Follow me." We walked upstairs. He directed me into a room. I sat her down on the bed and tucked her in. We walked out of the bedroom closing the door behind us.

"Let's go downstairs." Evan said leading me down the steps.

"So what are we going to do? She going to freak out when she wakes up." Evan said getting a glass of water.

"How about I go and get her stuff. Then bring it back here. Cause I'm not letting her keep staying at her house." Evan nodded and I walked outside. I drove over to Emily's house and grabbed a suitcase. I grabbed some of her things and put them in. Once I finished I put it in the back of my car and drove back to Evan's house.

This was going to be hard when she woke up.

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