Chapter 29

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Emily POV

I just laid there crying.

Till Alex came in a sat next to me.

"Wanna explain?" Alex asked holding my hand.

I explained everything that happened last night. Him fining my scars and leaving. Me singing and finding him cheating. Also how that I couldn't take it anymore.

"Awe...Em...when he left he was really hurt. He hates seeing you this way." Alex said squeezing my hand.

"Let him feel that way then! That how I feel every time he cheats." I yelled.

"Please Emily....he was just angry. There are so many things that you didn't tell him. He just got drunk. You never mean to do anything when your drunk." Alex said.

I sighed.

"Also....never cut your wrist again missy! You could of died! I can't live with out you!" Alex yelled. I just laughed at her getting so worked up. Alex peeked out the window and laughed to herself.

"What's funny?" I asked.

"Evan is still waiting out there for you. He loves you to much to let you go." Alex said. I just smiled a little bit. She bided he goodbye and left. Austin came in next.

"How you doing?" He asked.


"Ok good. Now.....never do that again Emily! You could of died!" He yelled pacing around the room.

"Sorry Austin." I said with a tear rolling down my face. He came over and wiped it away.

"Don't cry. I didn't mean to yell....I just don't want you to leave me." He said pulling me into a hug. Once we pulled apart he said, "I think you need to hear Evan out....cause he is not leaving anytime soon."

I laughed a little bit and nodded. He left and sent Evan back in. His black hair was all messed up and his eyes were puffy from crying.

"Hey." He said sitting down in the chair.

"Hey." I said back. I grabbed his hand and squeezed it.

"Will you let me explain Em?"


"I used to have another sister. She died from self harm." Evan explained. His eyes full of pain. "I care about you to much. I just got drunk and slept with somebody. I would never do that to you if I was not drunk."

"I know you wouldn't." I said. I moved over in the bed and he laid next to me. He just held me for a little bit.

"Evan?" I asked.


"What was her name?"

"Lillian." He said.

"How old?"

"She died when she was 14." I hugged him tighter. We just sat there.....

Where nobody could pull us apart.
I was let out of the hospital the next day. Evan stayed with me all day to keep me company. We got home around 10 am. I laid next to Evan on the couch.

"Emily?" Evan said.


"Um.....I got told today that Sam is well...moving here. He's going to go to our school." He explained. I heard that last sentence, and I froze. Memories came rushing in.

"You a slut! Nobody will ever love you."

"Kill yourself now, while you can."

"Your worthless."

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