Chapter 2

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Austin POV

Fuck. Evan.

"Hey dude. Can we hang out here." Evan asked with the gang standing behind him.

"No how about we go to the club." I suggested just to get them away from my house.

"Good idea. Let's go to shakers. Mystery is singing tonight."

"I'll meet you there." I said closing the door. I ran back upstairs to find Emily sitting on the floor. I sat down next to her putting an arm around her.

"I've gotta go to a club with the boys. I'll see you tomorrow. We can hang on the weekend." I said kissing her on the head. She nodded standing up and grabbing her wig. I quickly stood up a took it away from her before she could put it on.

"Give that back!" She screamed.

"No. You should be proud of yourself."

"Please I need it."

I sighed and handed it back. She went to the bathroom and came out a few minutes later with it back on. I walked with her outside.

"I'll take you home," I said taking her hand and pulling her towards the car. She sighed a got into the car. She gave me the direction to her house and I dropped her off.

"Bye I'll see you tomorrow", she said quietly. I waved and drove back to my house. I ran inside and grabbed a black t shirt and a pair of jeans. I read the clock. 7:57. I grabbed my keys and wallet and walked to my car. I got in a drove to the club.
I parked my car close and got out. I walked inside and found Evan and the guys were sitting at the back booth listening to the girl on stage singing.

"What's up dude," Evan said to me.

"Nothing I guess. I'm gonna get a drink," I said walking away. I walked over to bar. I ordered something and walked back over right when Mystery was coming out. Mystery was a really pretty girl who sings every night. She had such a beautiful voice, but was completely unknown due to the mask she wore.

The best thing was, it was the only girl Evan has ever had a crush on.

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