Chapter 6

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When I opened the door the guy grabbed my arm. I grabbed the door frame and wouldn't let go.

"Let go." He growled at me.


"Either you let go and walk down stairs like a good girl, or I carry you down stairs. Your choice." He said. I didn't move.

"OK fine." He said and threw me over his shoulder. My body tingled all over from his touch.

"Let me go!" I screamed. I punched his back but it didn't affect him.

"Curse you and your sexy muscles." I muttered. I don't think he heard.

Wait! Did I just say sexy muscles! No! He is not sexy! He is kidnapping me I can't think he is sexy. Even though he has nice muscles and a hot husky voice. What! Ugh stupid hormones!

"Stop wiggling!"

"No!" I said and punched his back. He slapped my ass! That asshole! Damn him! Now my hormones are going nuts! Thanks mr. kidnapper!

We got to the car and he put me in the back seat. In the middle of two other criminals.

Great! I'm in a car full of boys going god knows where, god knows what they are going to do to me! Oh god are they going to kill me! Im going to die! Oh no! There are so many thinks in my life that I haven't gotten to do yet! I am not going to cry! I am not going to give them the satisfaction of seeing me in pain!

"Calm down! We aren't gonna hurt you." The guy in the passenger seat said.

"Then why the fuck did you take me!" I yelled. No one said anything. Now my fear is turning into anger. How dare they take me away from my dad's house!

The guy on my right took a roll of duck tape from under the seat and tried to grab my hands.

"Don't you dare put that on me!" I yelled and leaned on the guy that was sitting on my left. Witch wasn't a good idea because he grabbed my hands so the other guy could put the tape on them.

He finished putting the tape on. Now I am pissed! I elbowed the guy on my right and kicked the driver and the passenger seat. The two guys in the back tried to grab me but I leaned forward. I hit the guy on my left in the face an gave him a bloody nose but the guy on my right grabbed me and healed me down. I bit him and he let go. The two guys held me down and the guy on my right taped my legs together and taped my mouth shut. They untapped my wrists only to tape them behind my back. But the guy on the left took the tape back off my mouth.

"Damn! She gave me a bloody nose!" The guy on my left said.

" Dude, really?" The driver asked.

"Yeah!" He said.

'Well serves you right' I thought to myself.

Well sense I'm probably going to be here for a while I'm going to give them nicknames. The guy on my left is going to be named Lefty, the guy on my right is Righty, the passenger is Muscles and the driver is either Mr. Kidnapper or Husky. I can't decide.

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