Chapter 28

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When I woke up Jordan was still beside me sleeping. His snoring could wake a giant.

I got up and went downstairs to make some coffee.

"Morning Jor." I said because someone came into the kitchen. Then all of a sudden everything went black.

"Jordan that's not funny. Take the bag off of my head." I said. But I was up in the air.

"Put me down!" I said as I got into a car. The bag was taken off and the person in front if me wasn't Jordan.

"W-Who are you?" And why the fuck did to you take me!" I yelled but instead of answering me he got some duck tape and taped my mouth shut. He also taped my arms and my leg together.

I was kicking him and the back of the drivers seat.
Then I feel a sharp pain on my cheek. He just hit me!

"Now, you can either be a good girl and not struggle or I can knock you out." He whispered into my neck. Eww.

He had dark brown hair that was slicked back. It looked so greasy. His eyes were a stale green and his teeth were rotted and yellow. He was wearing what the mob wear in the movies. Ya know, the gold chain around their neck and a v-neck button up orange shirt with a black jacket and slacks. I was terrified and he looked creepy and really scary.

We pulled up to this really nice mansion. it was all black. opposite from Jordan's. Jordan. I wonder if he has noticed that I'm gone. I hope so, I know he will find me.

The creepy man picked me up and brought me into the mansion. It was nice on the inside. It was black too.

The man brought me into this dungeon type room. It had all these torture tools. There was a bed in the middle of the room and a table beside it. The walls were a dark red, and rusty. It was cold and damp.

The man took out a knife and cut off the duck tape on my arms and feet and chained me to the bed.

"What do you want?" I asked in the meanest way I could.

"Now if I told you I would have to kill you, and I don't want to do that just yet." He said and left the room.

It was dark. pitch black. I couldn't see anything. I was scared.

"Fuck fuck fuck!"

"What am I going to do."

I was thinking if a plan when I fell asleep.

*3 hours later*

I woke up from the sound of the door opening and closing. There were footsteps getting closer and closer until they were right in front of me.


Then light. There was a man in front of me. There was also a light bulb hanging above me.

The man was cute. Not as cute as Jordan though. He had light brown hair that was spiked up. He had dark green eyes and dark skin. He also had mussels. Not as big as Jordan's though.

'God I miss Jordan' I thought to myself.

The man cut my shirt off with the knife he pulled out of his pocket.

"No! Please don't do this!" I begged. He ignored me and kept ripping off my clothes.

He took out a key and unchained my legs. He pulled my pants and underwear off then chained my legs back up. He put the key on the table then took off his shirt and pants. He didn't even worn me he just shoved himself inside of me. It hurt. I could feel the tears that were forming in my eyes fall down my cheek.

"No! Stop!" I cried but he kept going. Faster and faster until he was satisfied. Then he threw me my clothes and left the room.

I refuse to cry. I will not cry now! I nee to think of a plan so that doesn't happen again.

"He left the key! I'm not chained up!" I whispered.

I put on my pants and tried to stand up. It hurt but the adrenalin was starting to take over.

I ran to the door and turned the knob. Surprisingly it wasn't locked. Idiots.

I opened the door and looked down the hallway.
Then ran. I ran up the stairs and bumped into someone. No it had fur. I bumped into a wolf!

'Oh my god Hailey!' Jordan Mind linked me.

'Oh thank god!' But before Jordan could do anything he was attacked by a brown wolf. They were fighting, and Jordan was winning.

"Common Hailey!" Kyle yelled at me.

"No! I'm not leaving Jordan!" Kyle ran over to me and picked me up. I tried fighting him but I was too sore to move. He carried me back to the house.

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