Chapter 11

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*Hailey's pov*

Its has been a couple of hours sense the Jordan incident in the kitchen. He hasn't bothered me and I'm growing more and more curious and confused. What is he planning!

I was done wondering and went to go find him. His house was huge! I got lost several times, then after hours of searching, well more like an hour, I found his bedroom.

I walked in and he was nowhere to be seen. I heard the shower on in the bathroom so I figured that he's in the shower. I laid on his bed and waited. I snooped around his room a little bit. I was looking at some pictures on the wall when he finally came out of the bathroom, but the only thing he was wearing was a towel. Oh god. Hello six pack! I have to say he looked hot got at the moment. He leaned against the door and crossed his arms. I could see his mussels flex and I was drooling.

I forced myself to make eye contact with him and that was a mistake because he was smirking. Then being the stupid person I am I bit my lip.

He was over to me in like two seconds flat. He pushed me agents the wall, witch didn't help my hormones that were going absolutely nuts right now. He stared into my eyes so intensely, then he looked down at my lips, then to my eyes again. He moved towards my lips painfully slow.

I can't do this! He is my kidnapper for god sake's! Doesn't matter if he is sexy as hell he is still a psychopath! You know what, fuck it!

I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled his lips toward me and kissed him. He was a little shocked at first but quickly recovered and started kissing me. It was filled with so much passion and lust. He didn't hesitate to slide his tongue in my mouth.

I pushed off the wall and pushed him on the bed. I was straddling him. He flipped me over so he was on top of me. I could feel him getting hard. He ripped my shirt off, his hands ran across my stomach. My skin tingled from his touch. His hands found their way to the bottom lace of my bra. He was kissing all over my neck and his hand went to unfasten my bra.

"There are so... oh! god! I'm so sorry!" The guy said and quickly made his way out the door.

I was shocked, not just because someone walked in on our heavy make out session but also that I was having a heavy make out session with my kidnapper! Good lord what is wrong with me! Stupid hormones! Yep I'm going to blame it on my hormones, that's my story and I'm sticking to it!

Jordan's expression wasn't shock, it was annoyance. Huh, like I said, I don't know what game he is playing but it scares me a little bit.

He looked back down at me. No not my face, he was looking at my chest. Of course he would be looking there.

"Can you help me remove something from my chest?" I asked him.

His expression brightened a lot.

"Yeah, what is it that you want me to remove?" he asked.

"Your eyes!" I said and hit him in the chest that was still shirtless.

"Haha your funny." he said and got off of me.

"And put some clothes on!" I said.

"You didn't seem to mind a few minutes ago." he said and smirked. My face got redder then a tomato. I turned to find where he threw the shirt I was wearing. I found it and it was ripped.

"Why did you rip my shirt!"

"Because I wanted to."

"Well then." I said and went into his closet. I found a plane black V-neck tee shirt and put it on. He was watching me the whole time.

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