Chapter 15

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*Jordan's pov*

A day day earlier

I left the house early to go talk to Haliey's dad.

You might be wondering why the guys and I were in his office yesterday night. Well I'm the alpha of the Dark Moon Pack, and Haley's father is the alpha of the Grey Snow Pack. Our packs don't really get along that well because a long time ago our packs fought, it was a gruesome battle and a lot of people died from both packs. I can't really remember why we fought, it had something to do with land. Ut was a very long time ago.

Anyways every pack has a ring that symbolize them, it gets passed on from the old alpha of the pack to the new one that is taking the old alpha's spot and if they lose it or it gets stolen the alpha responsible for the ring gets punished by the alpha king. The people in the pack have to do everything in the power to get it back.

The alpha king is the king of all alphas. He is the most powerful. He is a cool guy, Blake.

The reason we were in his office is because we were looking for the ring but I couldn't for the life of me find it. Some alphas don't wear the ring in fear of losing it. They keep it locked up somewhere safe.

I got to his house and got out of my car. I went up to the door and knocked on it. Haley's dad answers the door.

"What are you doing here?" he asked coldly.

"I know that our pack has been fighting for over a hundred years but I need to talk to you about something very important." I said in a serious tone.

"What is so important that you have to came to me for?"

"Your daughter."

"What about her." he growled.

"Can I please come in, I will explain." I said and he let me in.

The maid lead us into what I thought was the living room. He sat down in the chair and I sat on the couch beside him.

"Your daughter is my mate."


"Your daughter is my mate." I said again.

"I know what you said." He growled.

"Yesterday my Delta and Beta and his brother and I went our for pizza. The restaurant is right across the street from a mall. I got out of out car and smelled the sweet smell of vanilla and honey. I turned around to find the source and saw this gorgeous girl staring back at me." I said. I decided to leave out the part where we were trying to look for his pack ring. I don't think that will score me very good points.

"Let me go get her." He said and started to get up.

"She isn't here."

"What! So she is at your house?"

"Yes sir."

"Okay. I don't like it but I understand. I know it hurts to be without your mate. How do you think your pack will react when they find out that she is my daughter, and she is their Luna?" He asked.

"Well sir, I know that our pack has been fighting for a long time. To tell you the truth I can't even remember why." I said.

"Ya know, I can't remember either. It was about land wasn't it?" he asked.

"I think it was."

"Well, sense my daughter is your mate and you my hers, we need to settle this."

"That is a good idea sir. We could have a banquet?"

"Yes. A banquet. Next Saturday."

"Okay, sounds great sir." I said and he walked me out of his house.

Wow that went better then I expected.

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