Chapter 16

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*Hailey's pov*

We pulled up to the house and I have to admit that I was nervous. I haven't seen him in like two days. What am I supposed to tell him? 'Oh sorry I didn't call I just got kidnapped and found out that werewolves are real and I'm half werewolf. And I also found my mate so I have been staying over at his place.' Yeah I don't think that he will like that very much.

I walk in and he is in the kitchen. Well him and Stacy. They were eating something that smelled really good. I hesitantly walked into the room.

"Hey honey. I thought you would be over at Jordan's.'' He said.

"Well I was but Lola and I went out shopping and I wanted to get my shoes and stuff. But wait, how so you know about Jordan?" I asked.

"He came over and talked to me yesterday."

"He did?"

"Yes. He must have explained to you that you are half human and half werewolf?"


"So do you understand why I left your mother?"

"Yes." I said a little coldly and Lola and I went upstairs to my room.

We got all of the shoes that I wanted to bring and my makeup and hair things. It took about fifteen to twenty minutes to get everything from my room into my car. I looked over at the night stand and saw my phone. Of course I went over and took it. Crap! I had 50 missed calls from my mom! Oh I'm in deep shit! I dialed my moms number and it didn't even ring before she answered.

"Where have you been! I have been worried sick about you! I almost called the cops!" She yelled through the phone.

"I know mom I am so sorry. I was over at my new friends house and I forgot my phone. Mom I am so sorry." I said.

"What new friend?"

"Her name is Lola."

"I want to talk to her."

"What? Why?"

"Just let me talk to her Hailey."

"Okay okay." I said and handed my phone over to Lola.

"Hello Miss. Summers......Yes, Hailey spent the night with me for a few nights and she forgot her phone. We went sight seeing and we were really tired when we got home.......Okay, bye Miss.Summers." Lola said and handed me back the phone. I mouthed thanks and started talking to my mom again.

"So have you met any boys yet?"

"Yes, his name is Jordan. But mom I have to go now. So I'll call you later. Love you bye!" I said really fast.

"Use prot-'' I hung up before she could finish her sentence.

Lola and I went back down stairs an dad and Stacy were still in the kitchen.

"Okay, well Lola and I are going to head out." I said.

"Okay Hun." My dad said. Stacy came over to me and hugged me.

"Bye sweet heart." She said. She really isin't that bad.

Lola and I walked out and got into her car and drove back to Jordan's house. My house.

When we walked in Derek was in the kitchen. Lola came up to him and they kissed.

"He is upstairs in his room."

"Thank you." I said and started up the stairs.

He was asleep. I put my bags down as quietly as I could. I tiptoed over to the bed and got right next to him. I was about to pounce when his arm shot up and wrapped around my waist.

"Ahh!" I screamed.

He flung me over him and I landed on the other side of him. He was now straddling me.

"You were supposed to be asleep!" I yelled and playfully punched his chest.

"I was, but I heard the car pull up. Super hearing remember."

He bent down and kissed me. It was sweet but still needed. Tingles shot through my body and my stomach was doing back flips.

His tongue licked my bottom lip asking for entrance which I gladly granted. Our tongues fought for dominance. In a blink of an eye he had my shirt and his shirt off.

I flipped him around so I was straddling him and looked into his eyes.

They were dark, clouded with so much lust. I started kissing his neck. He moaned and flipped me over.

"You are mine." he said and started kissing my neck.

He got to my soft spot and my breath caught in my chest.

He started sucking and softly biting it. Then he bit me. It hurt for about two seconds then it was pure pleasure. I moaned really loudly.

Jordan licked the blood that was coming out of the bite.

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