Chapter 24

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*Hailey's pov*

I woke up a little before 9 o'clock. Jordan was still asleep and he had his arm around my waist. I rolled over to face him and I ran my fingers along his checks.

"Jordan. Jordan wake up, it's your birthday today." I said really softly.

"Five more minutes."

"Fine. But I am getting up now." I said and got out of bed. I went down stairs and started to cook him breakfast. Eggs wrapped in bacon. Yes I know, I'm talented. I also cooked him hash browns and sausage. Lola and I are going to go out for breakfast so I didn't cook me any.

I finished cooking when Derek and Lola walk into the kitchen.

"Hey where is the birthday boy?" Lola asked.

"Being a lifeless lump in bed, he's still sleeping. But I am going to go wake him up." I said and walked upstairs. I walked into the room and he wasn't in bed anymore. I could hear the shower running in the bathroom.

I went over to my closet and took out a dark blue tank top and a pair of yoga pants and changed. I also put on a pair of black Adidas ankle socks. I put my hair up in a messy bun and went back downstairs.

"where is he?" Derek asked me as he eyed Jordan's breakfast.

"In the shower, and if you touch his food you will be very sorry." I said and put his breakfast in the oven to stay warm.

"I wasn't going to eat it, I was just observing. Did you make that?" He asked.

"yes I did."

Derek was about to answer when Jordan walked into the kitchen.

"Morning, birthday boy." Derek said and smirked.

"Morning." Jordan said and sat down. I took the food out of the oven and set in in front of him.

"This looks amazing." He said and kissed me on the cheek.

"Thank you. I hate to leave you on your birthday, but Lola and I are going to go get some breakfast and other things that you can't know about." I said and kissed him on the lips.

"Is it my birthday present?" He asked as we walked out the door.

"I can't tell you!" I said and got into the car.

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