Chapter 17

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After our little make out session I went down stairs to the car and Lola and I dragged all of my bags up to Jordan's room. She left to go unpack her things at her and Derek's house. No one was home, and I was bored. I went over to the TV and started to watch random shows.

It was about 3 or 4 o'clock when I smelled something bad. Well it didn't smell bad but it gave me a bad feeling. About five seconds later three guys busted through the front door. I don't know who these guys are but I have a bad feeling about them.

"Who the hell are you?" I yelled at them.

They didn't answer. They came over and picked me up off the couch. I tried to kick them but ended up kicking a vase on the floor and it shattered.

"Put me down! Do you know who my boyfriend is! He will kill you! Put me down!" I screamed and kicked but these guys were strong. Not as strong as Jordan but they were stronger then me.

They pushed me into a car and sped off. They put handcuffs on me and tape over my mouth. Great! I'm getting kidnapped. Again!

Okay Hailey calm down. Jordan will find you. Don't worry. Everything will be fine.

1 hour later

We pulled up to a black mansion. It wasn't as big as Jordan's but it was pretty big. They pulled me out of the car by my hair.

"Ow asshole!" I said and the one guy slapped me. Hard. I could feel blood coming out of my lip.

They dragged me through the house into the basement. It was a dungeon type basement.

The guy that hit me earlier pushed me into one of the rooms. He chained my hands and feet to this pole. He took out a knife from his pocket and started to cut my shirt off.

"No! Please! Don't do this!" I said, but he didn't reply.

I tried to kick and punch him but I couldn't. I started to squirm and he punched me in the face.

"Stop squirming. It will be easier for you." He said.

"Go to hell!" I said and spit in his face.

"Wrong move." He said and kicked me in the stomach. I hunched over from the pain, but he grabbed my hair and started to slam my head hard into the pole. Everything started to go dark and I let sleep take over.

*Jordan's pov*

I walked through the door and something feels different. Then I get a smell of that disgusting smell. Rogues. I walk into the living room and see a broken vase.

"Shit!" I said out loud. I ran through the whole house and coulden't find Hailey anywhere. I was starting to get pissed.

'They took our mate! If they touch her they are dead!'

'We will find her.' I reassured my wolf. Both him and I were getting angry.

I called Derek, Lola, Kyle and Luke. They were over in under five minutes.

"What happened?" Derek asked me.

"Where is Hailey?" Lola asked.

"They fucking took her!"

"Rogues." Luke said.

"Once I find them they are dead!" I sad and we ran out of the door. We took off our clothes and changed into our wolves. We headed over to where the rogues usually stay.

'They. Are. Dead.' I mind linked them.

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