Chapter 14

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*Jordan's pov*

After I took the cereal from Hailey because I knew that it would irritate her, I walked into the living room. I wasn't to far away from the girls in the kitchen when I head Hailey.

"I swear that boy isin't older then five! '' She said.

I chuckled and walked over to the love seat. The boys were watching Spongbob. Yes Spongbob square pants. I was munching on the cereal and watching TV when Hailey came into the room.

She walked over to me and sat on me so she was straddling me. It surprised me a lot. She started to lean in like she was going to kiss me but then moved to whisper something in my ear.

"Could I use your credit card to go shopping" She asked really sexily. It was getting me hard I have to admit.

I reached into my pocket and took out my wallet. I gave her my credit card.

"Thanks babe!" She said and kissed my cheek. Then she jumped off of me and headed towards the door where Lola was waiting.

Oh now I see, she wanted to go shopping so Lola gave her the idea to seduce me. Well she isin't going to get away that easily.

"Dude, your whipped!" Kyle said.

"Shut up. When you find you mate you will become whipped too!" I said and turned my attention back to the tv.

The guys kept laughing at me and teasing me about being whipped. I could make them stop with my alpha voice but I'm in a good mood today. I wonder what Hailey is going to buy. Oh I hope Lola takes her to Victoria Secret! I like that store okay! Don't judge. It's not like I would go shopping there for myself but the things that they have look really good on girls. Probably even better on my mate. I just really hope she goes into Victoria Secret!

*Hailey's pov*

Lola parked in the mall parking lot. Hey this is the mall that had that big shoe store that I went into the first time I was here! Yay!

Three hours later

''Can we be done now?'' I asked Lola.

"No, we have a few more places to go and then we are going to eat lunch." She said.

I love shopping. But I just want to go home to Jordan. We went into probably all the stores in this mall, and it's a big mall. She took me to Rue 21, American Eagle, Ross, Vanity, Macy's, Zumies, Hot topic, Forever 21. I lost count after like 30. Yes 30 stores and more! She took me to get my nails done and to get a full body waxing witch I am never doing ever again!

"Hey, before Jordan kidnapped me I went into this store and bought a lot of shoes so before we go back home could we stop at my dad's house and get them? I miss them." I asked her.

"Of course." She said and we walked into the shoe store.

"Wait, haven't I like dried out Jordan's bank?" I asked.

"Oh god no. You could go on a shopping spree for like three years strait and you still wouldn't dry out his bank."

"Are you sure."

"Yes Hails I'm sure." Lola said.

Even though I bought shoes before I still bought the ones I didn't get. And yes I bought a shit load of shoes. We paid for everything and walked out of the store.

"This is out last store, then lunch." She said.

She was heading towards Victoria Secret. Oh god please don't go into that store. Please, please!

"Tell me we arn't going into that store!" I asked her.

"Oh we are!"

"Yeah I'll just wait here." I said and sat down on the bench.

"Oh no. You are coming in here with me because you have to pick out some sexy things for Jordan." She said and wiggled her eyebrows.

"Fine, but only if you buy lunch."

"Okay fine!" She said and dragged me into the store.

I told her my bra size and she dragged me over to and told me to pick out four push up bra's and four sexy ones. I picked out a pink, white, black, and dark blue push up bra, and a green, purple, white, and black sexy bra's in Lola's words. I went over to her and told her I was done with the bra's.

Then she took me over to the panties. I picked out matching colors to match my bra's. She also took me ove to the 'skimpy' section and picked out some things, and she picked out some sleeping things. She told me to go into the changing room to try everything on.

Surprisingly everything fit perfectly. I got out of the room and she took me over to the perfume and lotion section. I picked out three bottles of lotion that smelled like heaven, I also got three bottles of perfume an some lip gloss.

We got up to the cash register and I paid for my things first. It came out to $500.

''Holy shit!' I said.

"Yeah, and you guys are lucky because there is a sale today that saved you $200." The cashier said.

Lola paid for her things and we walked over to McDonald's. We both got a big mac and a chocolate milk shake. After we were done eating we took all of our bags and put them in the back seat of her car. Now we are headed over to my dad's house.

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