Chapter 25

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"So, what should I get Jordan?" Lola asked me.

" You haven't gotten him anything yet?"

"No." She said and smiled sheepishly.

"Get him an X-Box game." I told her as we sat down to eat. I had a breakfast wrap and she had a salad.

"So, are you excited to give Jordan his birthday present?"

Crap! I forgot about that.

"Haha, nope." I said and took a bite of my food.

"Oh common! I know you can go through with it." She said.

"Well I'm not going to chicken out but I'm really nervous and I don't think I can eat anymore." I said and pushed my food away from me.

We finished and got back into the car and went home.

When we got home Jordan was at the door.

"Can I see what you bought?'' He asked.

"Sorry but I didn't buy anything." I said and his face fell.

"Babe, I already have your present. Don't get so depressed." I said and grabbed a pop out of the fridge.

"Hey, here is my present to you." Lola said and gave the bag to Jordan.

"Thanks! I needed this!" Jordan said and pulled out Grand Theft Auto 5.

"You're welcome. Now common Derek lets go so Hailey can give Jordan her present." She said and pulled him out of the room smirking at me evilly.

"But I want to know what she got him!'' He yelled.

"Jordan will tell you tomorrow." Lola said and pushed Derek into the car.

"So, can I have my birthday present now?" He asked and gave me the puppy dog face.

"Fine." I said and went upstairs into our bedroom. He followed right at me heels.

I grabbed the Victoria Secret bag and ran into the bathroom and locked the door, just in case Jordan gets any ideas.

I take out the body wash I bought and got into the shower. I scrubbed every inch of my body. I also shaved. When I got out I rubbed some of the lotion I got and sprayed myself with the perfume. I blow dried my hair and put the skimpy clothing on. I put on a little mascara and I was ready.

I cracked the door and saw that Jordan was sitting on the bed watching TV.

His hair was spiked up, as usual. He was wearing black basketball shorts and a red tank top, he also had black ankle socks on. His eyes were brighter and yellower then they usually are.

"Here I go." I whispered to myself and opened the door and leaned against the door frame.

He looked up from the TV and his jaw hit the floor. I smiled and walked over to the bed. He was watching my every move. Lust clouded his eyes as he watched.

I crawled onto the bed and sat so I was straddling him.

I leaned down and kissed him. He kissed me back with so much love and lust it was almost too much. His tongue swiped over my bottom lip and I gladly opened my mouth. He flipped me over and started kissing my neck. He started going lower and lower until he was kissing in between my boobs. He took off my top and stared at my chest.

"You're beautiful." He said and I kissed him hard.

I yanked off his shirt and ran my hands down his chest. I pulled off his shorts and he took off my thong.

(I think ya know what happens next.;)

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