Chapter 3

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I woke up at 11 am. I went to my bathroom and brushed my teeth. I put my hair in a messy bun, and put on a little eyeliner and mascara. Then I put on a pare of yoga pants and a dark blue tank top with black flats. I went down the stairs and went into the kitchen. There was a note on the fridge.


Stacy and I are at work. We didn't want to wake you because you must have been tired. I made you some chocolate chip pancakes, they are in the oven. I also left you some money on the table in case you wanted to go shopping or order some food or something. We will be back a little late tonight because something came up at work. Have a wonderful day darling.'

I walked over to the stove and pulled out the pancakes. I went over to the table and devoured them. He left me 600 bucks. Holy shit! 600 dollars! Wow! Where are we going today Mr.Franklin? I know where we are going. That big shoe store I saw on the way here! Haha! I put my plate in the dishwasher and headed out to the garage.

Wow! Look at the cars! There are two mustangs, one is red with two black stripes going up the middle and the other one was black. There were also three Lamborghini . One was white, the second one was silver and the last one was golden. They were all so pretty! I think I will go with the mustang that's red with two black stripes.

I get into the car and it is amazing. It smelled like leather, witch would make sense because the seats were leather. It was all black on the inside. Omg, I am in love! If I could marry objects I would marry this car! The windows were tinted so you coulden't see inside. I started the amazing car and took off to that big shoe store.

I got to the store and got out of the car and made sure it was locked. I noticed another mustang park cross the street at a restaurant, it was like mine except it was all black.

Four guys no, man gods got out of the car. The one in the passenger seat had blonde hair that fell lazily on his four head, he was muscular and was shorter then the rest. The guys that got out of the back seat looked like twins. They were both muscular, well all the guys were muscular, they had brown hair and both the same height. They were taller then the guy that got out of the passenger seat. The driver was the hottest out of the boys. He had midnight black hair that was spiked up at the top. He was more muscular out of the boys and he was the tallest. Yum. That's all I have to say about him.

They started walking into the restaurant and I haden't even realized that I had been staring at him until the one driving turned around and met my gaze.

We stared at each other until one of his friends called him over. His eyes lingered on me for a few more seconds then turned and walked to the entrance. He looked over his shoulder at me one more time then walked in.

Holy crap I think I just melted! A minute later I walked into the store and I was lost in shoes.

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