Chapter 18

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*Hailey's pov*

I woke up on the cool floor with a major headache. Where am I and what happened? Oh yeah I remember. I got kidnapped.

There was a bathroom connected to the dark room I was in. I got up and walked over and did my business. Then I looked at myself in the mirror, and let me tell you, I looked bad.

My left eye was almost swollen shut. My lips were red an puffy. They were also cut. I lifted up my shirt and I had bruises on my ribs. and a big bruise just below my belly button. Damn he beat the shit out of me.

I walked out of the bathroom and looked around the room. There was a queen size bed that had a red blanket and two pillows. There was a wooden night stand on the right side. The walls were a cream color and the floor was wooden. Besides that the room was empty.

I couldn't stand up anymore so I went and laid down on the bed and curled up in the red blanket.

This sucks. I hope that Jordan will find me, and soon. I'm starving and tired and sore. I drifted off to sleep again thinking about Jordan.

I woke up with someone breaking down my door. There was a man standing in the doorway. I feel like I have seen him before. He steps closer to me an oddly I'm not scared at all.

"Hails?" He asked. It was Jordan.

"Oh my god Hailey!'' He said and walked over to me and picked me up.

"Babe, hold on. I'm going to get you in the car and take you to the pack doctor." He told me. I tried to stay awake for as long as I could but the darkness soon took over and I was in dream land once again.

*Jordan's pov*

We got to where the rogues were hiding.

"Now how do we-" Kyle stopped mid sentience when he saw me kick down the front door.

I walked into what I think is the living room. There were three surprised faces when I walked in. One was a blond, the one in the middle had brown hair, and the last one had black hair. They were all muscular and tall, but still smaller then I was. I don't think they were expecting me to come so soon.

"How the hell did you find us!" The blond one said.

"Where is she?" I growled.

The one with the black hair recovered from surprise and stepped up to me.

Then he said "Who are you talking about?"

"You know exactly who I'm talking about. Now I suggest that if you don't want to die, tell me where she is." I said in a growl that even scared me a little bit.

"Oh you mean your mate. Well, she is a pretty thing isn't she?" The one with black hair said.

"You better not have touched her." I said.

"Oh but what if I did?" he asked with an evil smirk on his face.

The two guys behind him transformed into their wolves and I did the same.

Lola, Derek, Luke, and Kyle were on the two guys in a flash.

I lunged at the guy with black hair. He was still in human form. He changed quickly and we fought.

My group killed the guys with brown and blond hair one. I finally killed the leader and went off to find my mate.

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