Chapter 23

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*Jordan's pov*

I had a little pack meeting so I had to leave my Hailey and go deal with it.

I got into my black mustang and drove off to Derek and Lola's house. I got there and honked the horn. About two minutes later Derek came out, and so did Luke and Kyle.

"Hey." Derek said and got into the passenger seat.

"Hey guys."

"So why are we having a pack meeting?" Kyle asked.

"You'll see." I said and drove off.

We pulled up to the pack house and walked in. I stood on the stage in the meeting room and got everyone's attention.

"Okay, we are going to have a barbecue bonfire type thing with the Grey Snow Pack." Once the name left my mouth everyone in the room let out a growl.

"Why do we have to have a meeting with them?" Someone yelled.

"Because I said so!" I yelled in my alpha voice.

"Look, I know that we have been fighting with them forever, but can any of you remember what we are fighting about?" I asked. Everyone was silent.

"Exactly. They don't remember either. So everyone is required to come to this Saturday and we are going to kiss and make up."

"Yes alpha." everyone said at the same time, which was kind of creepy.

"Okay, everyone is dismissed." I said and we all left.

When I got back to my house Hailey was asleep on the couch sleeping.

I went over and tickle her nose. She swatted my finger away from her nose, and snuggled deeper into the pillow she was sleeping on.

"If you don't get up in three seconds, you are going to regret it." I said, and waited a few seconds to see what she would do. When she didn't move I decided to start counting.



"1" I said and started tickling her sides. She fell onto the floor and I tripped and fell on top of her.

"Well good morning." I said to her.

"Asshole."She muttered.

"You wanna say that again? I'm afraid I didn't catch that." I said, but before she could talk back to me I crashed my lips into hers. I licked her bottom lip asking for entry but she denied it. I bit it gently causing her to gasp. I slid my tongue in and our tongues fought for dominance. We were starting to get hot when someone interrupted us. It was Lola. Hailey and I jumped away in surprise. Hailey got out from under me and grabbed her shirt, she grabbed mine too and threw it at me.

'Great! Now I'm all hot and bothered! Thanks Jordan!' I heard Hailey think.

'No problem babe.' I linked back and smirked to her.

'Dammit! I forgot he could do that!' She said and walked into the kitchen. Derek came in and we sat on the couch and watched TV.

Hailey came in and stood in front of me.

"Babe, can I have your credit card to buy something to wear on Saturday?" She asked with and adorable smile. How could I say no?

"Of course." I said and got it out of my pocket.

"Thank you!" She said and kissed me. it was short and sweet but left me wanting more.

She walked out of the room and I turned to Derek, who was watching me.

What?" I asked.

"You're so whipped." He said and turned back to the tv.

"I am not!" I protested.

"Whatever man." He said and we both started watching tv again.

It was about two or three hours later when Hailey and Lola came back from shopping. Kyle and Luke showed up just before they got home. Hailey set her bags down and crept up behind us and jumped over the back of the couch and onto Luke and I.

"Get your lard ass off of me! I can't breath! Luke said, and I growled a little bit.

She scooted up so she was sitting on my lap.

"Hey beautiful." I said into her neck. She smelled really good. It kind of turned me on.

"Hi." She said and bit her lip, which made me die inside.

"Oh god don't bite you lip." I begged her.

"Why not?" She asked and bit her bottom lip again more sexily. She knows what she is doing to me and it is killing me.

"Oh take it in the bedroom please. Before I puke." Luke pleaded.

"Yeah, we should." I said and picked Hailey up. She grabbed her bags, even though I wanted to carry them, and went upstairs.

She put her bags on the bed and went to open our closet. I saw that there was a Victoria Secret bag.

Yes! Victoria Secret! Thank you Lola!

"Jordan, if you look in that bag I swear to god I will take it back." She growled. I quickly put my hands up in surrender and got off the bed. She put her clothes away and got into the shower.

I was sitting on our bed with only me boxers on. It was about 9 at night when she got out of the shower. She walked over and slid under the covers. I did the same and wrapped my arm around her waist.

"Night love.'' I said and kissed her head.

"Night bade." And I drifted off to sleep.

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