5 • Eclipse

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We run down the corridor, taking out any guards we come across.

"Gun!" Kuro quickly shifts from a long sword to an Oblivion machine gun. I shoot at the group of soldiers ahead of us, all of them falling to the ground. As I pass their bodies Kuro and Shiro grab grenades, placing them in my pockets before turning back to an Oblivion and long sword.

"Attention all personnel. Do not engage with the prisoner. He is of no threat to us at the moment and does not need to have energy wasted on him. Focus on keeping this ship up and sending more troops to the surface." I grit my teeth as I continue down the hallway, no more soldiers waiting.

"They aren't going to fight us? What a bunch of cowards!" Kuro jumps out of my hand, turning back to her normal self. Shiro does the same, both of them running next to me as we go into the hanger bay.

"Whoa! That's a lot of soldiers..." Shiro gapes in amazement at the sheer number of Nightlock soldiers, many marching into Atlas ships.

"We need to kill George." Shiro and Kuro turn to me, shaking their heads in disgust.

"Listen Eclipse, we either leave now and escape to the planet or we die here once this ship explodes." Shiro nods at Kuro's statement before chiming in herself.

"Plus George is getting on that Atlas as we speak," Shiro points to an Atlas with the Nightlock symbol in gold painted on it. "See?" I watch as George boards the Atlas, a group of soldiers following after him.

"Attention all personnel. ALL personnel are to board Atlases and prepare to be launched." I bite my lip and look from the Atlas George got into and the other Atlases, soldiers piling inside.

"Are you going to make up your mind or not? Don't leave us hanging"

"Or burning to death." Shiro chimes in as they both look at me.

"Guns." They nod and turn into Oblivion machine guns as I move towards George's ship.

"Hey! What the hell are you doing?" I don't even turn to acknowledge the soldier, shooting him in the head as I walk past. The gunshot springs all the soldiers into action, diving for cover and aiming at me. I continue to walk towards the ship, George smiling at me as I approach.

"Hi Eclipse. You came to see me?" I stop and look over all the soldiers surrounding me. Over two hundred still in the bay... I shut my eyes and count to ten, preparing to charge. Ten! My eyes fly open as I charge towards George, shooting rapidly at the soldiers who were now responding with their own gunfire. If I am going to die then I am bringing this bastard down with me!




I move back quickly and kick the girl in the face, spinning and knocking the other girl of her feet. Both of them land on the ground at the same time. I kneel down in front of the first girl, looking into her eyes. Kuro and Shiro stand behind me as I lean in close.

"Who sent you to kill me?" I frown as she holds back a laugh, amusement glinting in her eyes. "Why are you laughing?" I put the knife to her neck, trying to calm my own nerves.

"I-I'm sorry. We thought you were someone else." I sigh and stand up straight, looking back and forth from each girl. "We thought you were someone who attacked us a couple nights ago." Her expression becomes grim as I drop the knives, something flashing into her mind. I turn to face Kuro and Shiro, both of them shaking their heads at me.

"What?" Shiro motions for me to bend down, whispering as I do.

"You should ask if there are more of them." Kuro steps up next to her.

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