13 • Takeover

43 4 4

Four Days Remaining


"Did you he tell you anything to say in case you needed his help immediately?" I shake my head as we fly over the city.

"I don't think he did..." Plava lets out an exasperated sigh, her spear destroying several move Lancasters.

"At this rate we will never find our lord..." I am about to give a witty response when a large flash of white light comes from the edge of the city, the night sky making it stick out more than usual. Plava makes a sharp turn as we head towards the fading light.

"Is it James?" I strain to see who is in the alley, Plava's eyes glowing blue.

"No but there seems to be four people, one has a gun while there is a child and two guys." My heart race quickens, knowing who three out of the four people are.

"Bring us down here, quick! They could know where James is." Plava doesn't hesitate to dive towards the alley, landing in between a man dressed in white and Kali. Kali doesn't lower the gun when she sees me, her grip seeming to tighten.

"Liz?" I turn and smile at Zoey, Xileth stepping in front of her protectively.

"Hi Zoey." I turn to Kali, Plava's spear floating above us. "Kali put down the gun, we're all friends here." Kali shakes her head, tears threatening to roll down her face.

"I can't do that Liz... Zoey needs to die..." I step closer to Kali, her gun solely aimed at me now.

"Kali listen to me. I found people who could help us defeat Aman-"

"Shut up! You don't know what it is like Liz! Amanda has Logan! He is the only one who has apologized to my face about what he has done to me! He is the only one who has ever loved me!" I shake my head and take another step forward.

"Xileth?" My eyes widen as I hear Zoey call for her brother. In a second his katana's blade is against Kali's throat, somehow getting past us in a split second. Kali doesn't react to the blade rested against her neck, only turning her gaze to look at him.

"You are a threat to my sister, I am sorry Kali."

"Plava!" Xileth turns around quickly, blocking the three spears that were shot at him.

"What?" Plava grits her teeth, ten spears appearing around her. "No one dodges my attacks!" The spears launch with lightning speed, all of them collapsing to the ground in front of Xileth. Xileth steps away from Kali, his attention now on Plava.

"X-Xileth...?" Xileth stops and turns to Zoey, his shoulders relaxing. Zoey wipes tears from her eyes as she watches him. "Please don't fight, don't be like her." Xileth nods slowly, putting away his katana. The spears in the air disappear as well as Plava relaxes, the air becoming lighter.

"Well this has becoming horribly boring, see you all never again." I turn as the man in the white suit and cloak begins to walk past Zoey, heading right towards the dead end. Part of the wall glows white, a portal opening as he nears.

"Wait!" He turns around and smiles at Zoey who is behind him. "Thank you sir." The man gets on one knee and holds both of his arms open. Zoey smiles and hugs him.

"Just call me Aaron. I hate being formal, it is incredibly dull." Zoey nods as Aaron steps back. He looks up to Kali who is now standing next to Xileth and I. "You're not going to try and kill her while I'm gone are you?" Kali looks down at the floor.

"No..." Aaron nods his head in approval.

"Good, you don't want The Light on your bad side now do you?" I barely stop myself from gasping.

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