22 • The Storm Has Come

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"Get down!" I am pulled out of my thoughts as Logan shouts and dives at me, knocking me to the ground, my head barely missing the desk, as Noah is launched out the window. The two men, most likely Noah's soldiers, scream as they are cut in half, James turning his gaze towards us as Liz shoots two more soldiers as they exit the elevator.

"How could you do this to us Kali? Logan?" Liz looks at us, aiming the gun from me to Logan as he helps me stand up.

"We haven't done anything yet Liz, we were just tal-"

"It sounded like you were agreeing to me Kali, you're so keen on betraying your closest friends again. I have helped you whenever I can and all I get rewarded with is betrayal and plots to kill Liz and me." I shake my head and step forward, Logan keeping his hand tightly enclosed around mine.

"James listen-"

"I am done listening to you Kali, you and Logan want to kill us and for what? What is so much more important than one of your closest friends and your friend's life?"

"Nothing is James! We weren't going to agree, I swear!" My throat feels dry as he shakes his head, taking a step back from us.

"I can't trust you anymore."

"James wa-" We are thrown to the ground as an explosion goes off somewhere above us, the whole floor shaking from the blast. The people who stood and watched us fearfully now are screaming and running towards the stairwell as another explosion goes off.


Ten Minutes Ago


A smile forms on my face as we walk out of the elevator, Logan squeezing my hand tightly and holding me close to him. The people in the office look up from their desks before looking back down and continuing to work.

"This floor isn't too large, if we split it we can finish looking in a short amount of time." Logan tightens his grip on my hand, waiting for me to agree with him.

"Yeah, I will meet you back here Logan." He smiles before kissing my forehead gently and walking off, disappearing behind a corner as he checks the other half of the floor. I should tell him what happened... We can't keep secrets from each other and if I tell him I may learn what he is keeping from me. I sigh and shake my head before walking further into the office, no one looking up at me for more than five seconds before getting back to their apparent surplus of work.

The ding of the elevator breaks the silence of the floor, forcing my attention to turn towards the elevator as I turn away from the window. I jump behind a woman as Noah steps out of the elevator, two people walking out behind him.

"Hey! What are you-"

"Shhhh! Ignore me, I need to stay like this for a couple more seconds..." The woman shakes her head and mutters something before turning back to her desk and typing on a computer. I stay in a crouched position as I move to another desk, making sure not to bump against the man working. The two people who were with Noah begin to walk down the rows of workers, nodding politely at those at work while also looking at each work area.

I continue to make my way towards the other side of the floor, where Logan went. No more people protest to the oddness of me hiding behind them and moving from desk-to-desk as they become engrossed with whatever important business they have. I watch as one of the men who were with Noah talk to the woman I first hid behind. My heart beat quickens as the woman says something to the man, motioning to the area behind her while speaking.

The man listens intently, thanking the woman before turning in my direction and moving to the next person, coming closer to me with each acknowledgment of having seen someone. Without a second thought, I jump up and sprint towards the other side of the floor. I barely miss hitting my hip on the edge of one desk as I pass, wincing at the possible pain I could have experienced. Logan please be right there to help me out of this, I need someone to help me fight them off!

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