20 • Planning

33 3 4


"Excuse me madam...?" I look up from the files on the desk and nod to the woman who stands in the doorway.

"Come in." She walks into the room, shutting the door behind her before walking towards the desk. "What do you need?" The woman runs her hand over her hair, stopping at the bun before returning her hands to her sides.

"I came to inform you that the Statue of Liberty has been destroyed, we do not know who destroyed it yet but are working on that." I frown and look back to the files, drawing a red X on the picture of the statue.

"Okay... I want soldiers at the building called the Freedom Tower and the New York Library. Teams are most likely going to be located near these positions as they will be drawn for the same reason we are." The woman nods before hastily leaving the room. As her footsteps fade down the hall I pull out the AMD, turning it on before placing it down on the desk.

"Yes Katherine?" I smile as Noah's voice comes through the device, leaning back in my chair and looking up at the ceiling.

"I want you to keep your squad near Target One, I will have Samantha's squad by Target Two while the others will cover the rest of the targets and defense." The device stays silent for a couple of moments before his voice drifts out again.

"Got it. Can I contact Samantha?"

"Sadly you cannot contact her as of right now, we will make sure to establish it soon though so you can. She currently can only contact us here but not other squads, something we are fixing."

"Okay, tell me when you have it established I want to make sure she is okay."

"Will do Noah, thank you again."

"No problem, I will keep my squad near Target One." I smile and shut off the device, the door swinging open as Samantha is brought into the room.

"Your squad will be following Target Two, the Freedom Tower. We need eyes and ears there so that we can look for anyone suspicious." Samantha looks at me with wide eyes, her hands still on her stomach.

"No, I am not helping you! You killed my child Katherine!"

"Then I will kill Noah. I can order his group to attack Kali and the others, he will die in that battle." Samantha opens her mouth to speak but stops when I put up my hand. "If you want him to live and you want to talk to him then you will have to go with this squad to the Freedom Tower and keep an eye on it." Samantha nods, her eyes on the floor. "Thank you Samantha, you are being a great soldier for us." I glance at the two soldiers behind her, them nodding when they see my gaze and escorting Samantha out of the room and towards the Lobby. With Samantha and Noah keeping an eye on two of the targets I can guarantee their safety and location... I need to make sure that this place is secure, no one being able to get inside and know we're h-

I jump up from my chair, running towards the door and swinging it open. The soldiers outside my door turn and look at me, their guns ready to fire.

"I want this floor, the one under this floor and the one above us on lock-down." One of the soldiers nods and speaks into a device on his shoulder, relaying my message to the men at the entrance. I run my hand through my hair and quickly move down the hallway, stepping into the elevator and riding down to the Lobby.

"Good evening ma'am." I ignore the soldier as I step out of the elevator, moving towards Samantha's group.

"Charles!" Charles turns towards me, his blue eyes lighting up when they land on me. He runs over, hugging me quickly before leaning in. "I need you to keep a close eye on Samantha, she makes no calls we don't know about and we watch her every move. Got it?" Charles nods and smiles at me.

The Overlord Trilogy: The LightWhere stories live. Discover now