29 • Dance of Death

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The world spins as screaming echoes in my ears. I look around the street, my lower half numb from the pain I dully feel like I should have. My head swims as I look around me, people running past as us a shadow begins to pass overhead. The world does another spin as I look to the left, Lucifer sprawled on the ground next to me, blood pooling around his legs.

"L-Lucifer?" My throat is raw as I speak, my legs still numb as I try to move closer to him.

"Lucifer!" I turn quickly, Macy running towards us full speed. She slides next to him and holds back tears as she flips him over. His face is covered in cuts, his right eye sealed shut while the left eye remains open. I try to move closer to him but something moves in my way, lifting me off the ground quickly.

My jaw hits my chest from the action, my eyes widening when I see my legs. They are nothing but a mesh of blood and bone, the lower half of my legs completely gone. I open my mouth to scream, soon gagging from the blood filling my mouth. I struggle against whoever is carrying me, the darkness filling the world around me as I cough out the blood in my mouth.

The person doesn't speak as I continue to scream, the whole street now consumed in darkness. I try to see my legs through the darkness, hoping the images that fill my head were just tricks. My legs were there a second ago weren't they? How could they be gone so quickly? Light floods in from the sky, it seeming to be darker has it falls down on the streets. I continue to look up through the dome ceiling, planes flying overhead and dropping bombs.

The sound of explosions comes through muffled as more bombs are dropped onto the dome structure, seeming to absorb the bombs as they explode. As the next round of planes comes overhead they are greeted by large black mist that comes out of the dome, pulling one of the bomber planes into the dome and down into the city. It explodes into a fireball as it crashes into a skyscraper, exploding again as its cargo goes off. My head rolls to the side, Hibiki staring ahead as he runs through the crowded streets. The whole world seems to be in a frenzy as we move, one large scream cutting through the world.

"Hi...bi...ki?" He looks down and smiles at me, tears coming to my eyes. This is the end isn't it? I am going to die here without ever finding Noah and without being with my friends. Please forgive me Amber, Kali, and Liz please, please, please! I didn't know what I was doing I was under Katherine's manipulation and I didn't see what was right in front of me. You guys were there for me from thick and thin and I just turned away from you for a love I didn't feel. I only loved him for the thought of me being with him. I should have stayed with you instead of turning against you all.

"Samantha! Stay with me!" My eyes flutter open and look up at Hibiki, his face filled with fear as he continues to run. I open my mouth to speak but only am able to cough out the blood that continues to fill it. I want to cry. I want to scream. I want to die.



I block the katana with my gauntlet and launch back with a blast of light. Xileth won't hurt Julie. Not on my watch. After all, what kind of guardian angel would I be if I let my Assignment die? Xileth looks at me and launches off the ground into the air and slice the katana at me. I barely have enough time to block it with my gauntlet. I jump backwards and use the hand that doesn't wear the gauntlet and summon my Angelic Sword. It glows a bright gold in the dark room. Xileth charges at me again with lightning speed and I block it again, this time with my Angelic Sword. A bright flash of light shines when our blades touch and Xileth is blasted back. Without pause I teleport behind him and kick him into the wall. His katana rolls away from him and I pick it up. Xileth is then next to me in an instant and has my wrist is his hand. He then pulls my wrist back and sweeps my feet causing me to fall to the floor, then he stomps on my arm while letting go of my wrist, pinning it down. I let go of the katana and he picks it up. I stab at him with my Angelic Sword but he blocks it again. This time he dodges the blast of light that shines from my sword afterwards.

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