9 • Prisoners To Life's Game

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Four Days Remaining


I pace the small room, uneasy to the fact that they would dismiss me so quickly. Kuro, Shiro and I were brought here to be 'safe' but now we might as well be the AOO's prisoners. That guy, Noah, locked us in this room after promising that we have nothing to worry about.

"We could pick the lock-oh or we could cut it open!"

"Don't be stupid Shiro, the door is steel. We won't be able to cut through it. How about we make ourselves into guns and shoot whoever opens the door." I sigh and turn to Shiro and Kuro, on the verge of fighting each other.

"Neither of those will help us in the long run. If we begin to kill people here then we will have the AOO and the Nightlock Empire after us."

"Why did you have to be curious Eclipse? We could be training in those amazing woods if it weren't for you." I shrug and lean against the wall, looking from Shiro to Kuro.

"I don't know to be honest."




"Did you hear that scream?" We turn in the direction of the scream, another one soon echoing through the woods.

"We shouldn't get involved... It could be bad for us." I turn and glare furiously at Shiro. She shrinks in my gaze, Kuro looking down at the grass as well.

"If we were in trouble wouldn't you want someone to help us? We can't just stand idly by and let someone get hurt!" They nod, still looking down at the grass.

"Fine..." They mumble in unison and follow me as we run in the direction of the scream. We run through the forest, going into the trees for cover as we near the source of the scream. From below we watch two girls run in the opposite direction, going right under us. In the clearing a man leans against a tree, his face ashen as he clutches his stomach.

"You okay sir?" I jump down from trees, landing in the small clearing. The man looks up and smiles weakly at me as I walk over to him, Shiro and Kuro in tow behind me.

"T-Thank you... I am fine..."

"Do you need me to check your wounds sir?" The man shakes his head, taking a couple of steps before falling to his knees. He winces and clutches his stomach more, both hands now around whatever wound lays there. "Sir it would not hinder me at all if I checked your wounds." I walk over to him, his body facing away from me as he continues to writhe in pain. I look at Shiro and Kuro for help but they just shrug. "Sir can I h-"

I barely jump out of the way as a sword cuts across where my throat would have been. Shiro and Kuro run towards me, turning into Crimson pistols as I land on my feet. The man stands up and frowns at me, disappointed.

"I have to give you credit, you're pretty good." I keep the Crimsons aimed at him, one at his head and one at his chest.

"Silencers." I whisper, silencers materializing on the Crimsons. The man grins at me as he watches the silencers materialize.

"So you have two girls with you, younger than you I might add, who can turn into whatever you need? Somewhat creepy that you have two younger girls though I assume you ar-"

"Why did you attack me?" The man steps closer, my grip on the Crimsons tightening. "Stay back sir." The man doesn't move, his eyes turning blood red.

"This is Lord Nightlock, I am speaking through my humble servant, Zachary. I implore you to come aboard my personal ship so we can talk about what you may or may not know." Zachary takes another step forward, his body shaking slightly. "What is your answer?" I quickly look at both sides of the clearing. There are two ways I can run if I don't count the one behind me... To the left would be going somewhere new while the right is where those girls ran...

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