17 • Time Has No Meaning To Gods

40 4 4

Two Days Remaining


Amanda smirks at me as I come up next to Kali, my hand tightening around hers. Kali's body seems to tense as I keep her close to me, Amanda's smile growing before she turns to face forward.

"Here we are." Aaron motioned to the small lines of light coming down from the ceiling farther in the sewer.

"What do we do if soldiers are out there?" Amber walks up to Aaron, giving me a small nod as she passes. Aaron turns to face us as he stands under the small lines of light.

"We run or kill them if we have to." No one speaks as he lifts his hand, the manhole cover launching into the air and disappearing. Amber climbs up first, Eclipse following shortly after with Kuro and Shiro hot on his heels. Kali begins to climb up but stops when I grab her ankle. She turns around and looks into my eyes, slowly climbing back down and facing me.

"What did she say to you Kali?" Kali looks down at the floor, playing with her hands while keeping her head down. When she doesn't answer I pull her closer to me, embracing her tightly. She cries softly into me, rage filling my body as I try to stop her from breaking permanently. "Tell me what's wrong Kali, let me help you." She looks up at me, not making a move to break away.

"She is the reason I had the coma..." Tears run down her face as she stares up at me. "She said that she would put me back into another one if I didn't help her." I pull her into a kiss, holding her tightly as tears continue to roll down her face. I pull back slightly, wiping her tears away with my thumb as I stare down at her.

"She won't hurt you Kali, I promise you." She nods and rests her head against my chest. We stay like this for a while before I let go and help Kali climb out of the sewer, myself following after her.

"Nice of you two to join us." I roll my eyes as Amber smirks at Kali and me. "Aaron went to go do some recon before we continued." I look up at the afternoon sky and sigh.

"How long were we in that damn sewer for?" Amber laughs and looks around for something to do, most of the area around us a mix of destroyed buildings and walls that once were attached to buildings.

"I think a day though I am not sure... It could have been more." She runs her hand through her hair, a metal disk falling out of her pocket and clanging onto the ground. Amber quickly picks it and shoves it into her pocket, her wings fluttering with the motion.

"What was that?" I eye her suspiciously, Amber shrugging me off.

"Just something I found in the sewer." Before I can push her further on it Aaron lands in the center of us.

"It's clear." I laugh, everyone turning to me. I motion to the rubble around us, almost everything destroyed.

"Look around! We could have told you that there were no troops around! This place is mostly rubble if you haven't noticed." Aaron rolls his eyes and points to the sky behind me.

"There are AOO warships, as you can see. That is what I was investigating and I have determined that we should be nowhere near their position." We nod as Aaron forces Amanda to stand, pushing her forward as we begin to walk away from the warships. "I want all of us close together, I won't be able to teleport us out of here due to the magic resistant cuffs on Amanda."

"Smart move." Aaron glares at me before pushing Amanda forward, Amanda falling onto the ground in front of her.

"Would you rather us walk or have Amanda free?"

"Neither to be honest." Aaron lets out a low growl at me before pulling Amanda to her feet, a grin still on Amanda's face as we continue to step through the rubble. I sigh and occupy myself with looking around as we walk, the Nightlock Guardian warship still in ruins in the distance. All of us duck as another explosion comes from the Guardian, smoke and debris launching into the air. I watch the smoke billow into the air, fire once again taking root in one of the sections.

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