The Demon Sword

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Yo! hows it going, hope your day is going great, buuut most importantly I delayed you reading this story to say I do not own Soul Eater or any of its Characters. Okay now enjoy the story. :)

BTW READ THIS: (FF)=favorite food the rest are the same just needed to let you know what (FF) meant okay NOW you can enjoy the story. :)

  Previously: "(Y-YN)" "Papa" "run" I finally made my little legs move as soon as I heard Papa speak, and the entire time I ran I thought 'it's not real it's not real it's not real.'  

(Souls POV)

"Man this spaghetti is so good, how's your (FF) (NN)?" I said taking a bite 'Gawd this really good' but she didn't answer she just sat there with that lost look on her face she's been like that since we got here, what's with her? "Hey (YN) are you okay?" Maka asked grabbing her arm making (YN) jump  out of her seat. "umm, I'm sorry; I have to use the washroom, I'll be right back." (YN said as she walked away.

"Geez, why did we have to come on a mission with her, she's been ignoring us the entire time, and on top of that the first thing she says to me is to just stand by and watch her fight wh-" Well it is her mission to begin with,and Lord Death asked us to come as her back up, not to do any fighting for her Maka." I said taking a bite out of one of my meatballs. "Yeah but she didn't have to be so rude about it." Maka pouted "Ahaha, come on Maka you know it's not cool to pout like that." "Ah, yeah your right, sorry Soul." Maka said with her big smile she has. 'I wonder what's been bugging (YN), it's really starting to get to me. I don't want her to worry about it by herself, that wouldn't be cool at all-.' "Ah sorry guys, but I think we should get going, it's starting to get dark." (YN) interrupted my train of thought. "Yeah lets go." Maka said standing up "I'll go pay for the food, you guys go wait outside." I said heading towards the register. "Okay." "K" they responded headed to the doors. 'I really wish (YN) would open up to me.'  walking out of the restaurant. "Come on Soul!" Maka said running after (YN) "What is it?!" "The Kishin!" As soon as I heard that I was running to catch up with them.

(your POV)

As I was walking out of the Restaurant I saw something jumping from building to building, 'The Kishin!' "Maka, wait for Soul, I'm going to fallow it!" I yelled as I took off down the street "Wait (YN)!" Yelled after me, 'No I can't loose it I have to kill it and get back to Death City before I run into him.' I thought as I jumped onto the roof of a close by building. "(YN)!" I heard soul yell as they tried to catch up to me. 'Sorry Soul I can't stop until this thing is killed." I thought turning me arm into a (FC) and white blade catching up to the stupid Kishin egg, I quickly jumped into the air ready to slice the kishin egg  in half when it stopped and looked right at me; lifting his arm and blocking the attack, I quickly lunged to the left and sliced up towards his torso, but he jumped as my blade touched him only cutting him as he got out of the way of my attack. 'tsk, he's fast.'  i thought as he attacked me, I quickly brought my arm up to block and turned my right leg into a blade kicking out at him finally killing him and as I watched him implode and turn into a red kishin egg soul that I happily ate seeing I didn't have any of my (FF) at the restaurant. "Ah, that took long than I thought it would." I said walking up to Soul and Maka scratching the back of my head.

(Souls POV)

When we finally caught up to (YN) she was already fighting. 'she looks so elegant when she fights, like shes dancing.' I thought as I watched her kick out killing the kishin egg. 'I wish I could fight like she can, I need Maka to wield me or else I am totally useless.' I thought as she walked up to Maka and I. "Wow  (YN) that was amazing!" Maka said running up to meet her half way "No, that was nothing really." (YN) said blushing pushing her (HC) out of her face ';man she is really cute, wait what?' "Soul!" "Maka said worriedly "hu what is it Maka?" "There is a huge group of souls surrounding other souls in that building over there, it looks like it is the guys from earlier. I think we should go check it out." "Man what a pain, okay lets go." "Okay." "Yeah." both (YN) and Maka said as we took off towards the building.

(3rd POV)

"The souls. Their gone, their all gone except the two in the middle." Maka said as she walked up to the Gothic Church building. "What? that's impossible Maka." Soul said walking up to her. Oh come on guys lets just check it out in-case Maka is right and there is a Kishin egg in there." (YN) said walking passed the duo and pushing the giant doors open, only to see a boy(?) standing in the middle of the empty room. "He's alone." (YN) and Soul said together "No, the other soul is inside that boy over there." Maka said in shock, "What?" (YN) said "That's not possible." Soul said in disbelief.

(Your POV)

'No it cant be, it's not possible, its him. its the Demon Sword.' I thought terrified as I stared at the pink hair boy. "Hey, quite ignoring us!" Soul yelled at the boy 'No, don't do that.' "I can kill them?" the boy said to no one with a crazed smile as that big black thing returned to his body and a black sword appeared in the pink haired boys hand and he charged at Maka and Soul. 'I can't move, I'm to scared, come on (YN) move.' I thought to my self as Make and Soul fought the Demon Sword Master and lossing. 'COME ON (YN)!' I thought finally running towards maka and soul as the Demon sword came down on the two "NO!" I screamed as I jumped in front of them taking the blow of the attack, hitting the ground hard as my blood pooled around me. "blood? ah it hurts, dying really fucking hurts.' I thought loosing continence as I heard some one screaming my name "(YN), (YN) don't close your eyes (YN)!" 

(Souls POV)

Maka was fighting this guy as (YN) just stood there looking like she saw a ghost, 'No Soul Pay attention to what your doing, you can't afford to loose your concentration as Maka was sent flying towards the door "MAKA!" "I'm okay Soul, but we have to get out of here." she said trying to push the door open "Come on why won't it open?!" Maka said starting to panic "The doors only open inwards the Pink haired freak said as he lunged forward lifting his sword about to slice as I transformed out of my weapon form to shield Maka from the attack as (YN) jumped in front of the two of us taking the strike 'No.' I thought as I looked over to see (YN) surrounded by a pool of blood, her blood. "(YN)! (YN) don't close your eyes (YN)!" I screamed as I ran to her to try stop the bleeding, Maka right behind me. "(YN)." Maka said meekly looking at all the blood (YN) were loosing "Come on, (YN) stay with me." I said as a black blade jabbed through the doors and impaled the Pink haired fuck.

And that is the end of this chapter. man that took a long time to write, but I hope you liked it please leave a comment and don't forget to vote, I'll try get another chapter up tomorrow (BTW I'm trying to get at least one or two chapters up ever day) okay but thank you for reading. :)


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