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(Your POV)
*Splash* I jolted up as an ice cold liquid hit my skin, "Ah she's awake" some guy with a. 'It's a screw, there is a fucking screw in this freaks head.' "Yes, and my voice is known as strange to most people." 'Holy shit Lord death reads mind.' "No sweet heart, your talking out loud" a red headed man said as he filled a glass with iced water... "Did you pour water on me?" "Well you see, you weren't waking up and I had some in hand, so I thought. 'This will wake her up pretty fast'" the red head said taking a sip of his drink, pissing me off, "Now Spirit, we want to talk to her not fi-"" Fight? Sounds good to me, let me go at it with that red headed bastard." I said standing up about to pull my weapon form out of my body with my blood, but instead I felt a crippling feeling in my soul again. "Aaah, damn it, why the hell does that keep happening to me?"  "I put a part of my so-" "I know. I just, I don't know. Why did you bring me here?" I said sitting down again crossing my arms. "Oh look she look so cute when she's mad." The red head was really pissing me off "Do you WANT to die?" I said reaching for the blade in my shirt, but I felt someone grab it before I could, "I'll take this, I know how well you fight already, we don't want you hurting Spirit now do we?" The screw dude said "how did you get this again anyways?" "I was awake while you were carrying me, I took it from your pocket." I said pushing away from him, "now what do you people want?" "We just want to ask some questions." "Then ask, I might answer them or I might not." "Okay, first what is your name and age?" "You people seem to already know this." "Yes, but we want to know if you know." "*sigh* Fine, my name is (FN) (LN) and my birthday is (date of birth) next." "Who was the witch Medusa to you?" "She IS my mother." "Wrong, she kidnapped you and seemed to have-" "she didn't, she said you people lie all the time, I don't want to hear it, just ask your questions." "Fine,where is the Kishin Auzera?" "I don't know, I'm a weapon, I can't sense souls like Meister's can." "How can you use your scythe if your a weapon?" "That's easy, black blood." "What was your past like?" "......" "I sai-" "I know what you said." "Then please answer the ques-" "I can't remember!" ".........." "I'm done, no more questions." "Alright,  Stein, please take her to her cell." "Yes Lord Death"

(3rd POV)
As you and Stein walked down the halls you heard people laughing and yelling coming your way, "those people are so annoying" you sighed as you pushed your hair out of your face turning a corner that you went down before, only to hit something and fall on your butt. "Oww, watch it you stupid DWMA scum!" You yelled at the blue haired guy standing in front of you "so it's true, you don't know who we are. I didn't think it was true but here you are." "What the hell are you talking about? Who ARE you anyways?" You asked standing up glaring at the person "it's nothing, and my name is Blackstar we uses to be friends" 'friends I don't know this gu- wait...' "Hey I do know you." "You do?" "Yeah, you're the asshole that electrocuted me in the basement! I have a real bone to pick with!" "Shut up! I did that to save your life! If I didn't do that you would probably be dead right now! So instead of calling me an asshole, you should call me your saviour. One of many reasons I'll surpass God himself!" 'Surpass God? Is he an idiot?' "Yeah and I'm not a wi- aahhhh" you screamed as you grabbed your head that started pounding. 'Hi my name is blackstar and I'm going to surpass God one day!' A blue haired boy said pointing at his chest 'And I'm Soul, that tall girl over there is Tsubaki, this guy's weapon partner, what's your name?' A white haired guy with mesmerizing Ruby eyes said holding his hand out. 'My name is-'. You jolted up with sweat plastered on your  forehead. "Ah you're awake good now tell me how you're feeling." The man with the screw in his head said 'this is Dr. Stein he's a professor here' the guy with white hair said as he looked in your eyes' *gasp* "I am doing fine Dr. Stein now ca-" "how do you know my name?" "I don't know, didn't you tell me it earlier or something?" "No I never mentioned it, but if you're fine, there is a person here to see you." Dr. Stein said as he walked to the open door where a pink haired boy stood. "Crona! They got you too! Were is moth-" "I need to tell you something (YN)" Crona said seriously.

(Your POV)
"What do mean I'm not Medusa's daughter?" I asked looking at Crona like my world was going to fall apart, "Like I said, we kidnapped you a month and a half ago so Medusa could place the black blood in your body, and then we tortured you till you forgot everything. I'm not your brother and Medusa is not your mother, we just told you that so you would help revive the Kishin." Crona said making my world fall beneath my feet. "So, so where is my real family?" I asked choking down my tears, 'I don't know, you would have to ask someone here that question." Crona said walking towards the door, "Crona wait, where is Medusa now?" I asked looking at his back, "sh-she's dead, Dr. Stein killed her during our invasion." Crona stuttered as he walked out of the room, closing the door, leaving me by myself as I cried not knowing what to believe.

(Souls POV)
"Come on professor! You have to let me see her!" I yelled as Dr. Stein just walked away from me "Not today Soul, she has to rest a little, once she is moved to her cell you can go and see her, until then you are to stay away from her got it." "Yeah." I said as I looked at Maka and the others behind me. "It's okay Soul, we'll be able to see her soon." Liz said as I walked up to them. "Yeah I know, but I need to tell her about her past." I said as I stared at the ground remembering what Crona said: '"I-I'm going to tell (Y-YN) about what ha-happened" Crona said as we ate lunch, "Really, when?" Maka asked as she ate her rice. "After sc-school." once he said that I could only wonder if (YN) could handling hearing that right now seeing how she attacked me earlier when I tried talking to her.' "Hey Soul, Are you coming man?" Blackstar asked as everyone walked down the hall, "Y-yeah, I'm coming" I said as I ran up to Blackstar. 'I have to tell (YN) what happened to her parents' I thought as we walked towards Kidd's place.

I'm gonna end the Chapter here. I hope you liked it, please let me know in the commamd and there will be some Soul action in the next chapter I swear! okay PCEQ

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