Final Chapter, New Partner, and New Adventures.

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This going to be a short one because I actually wanted to end it during the last chapter, but that didn't feel right.

(3rd POV)
It's been a week since the Kishin Asura was killed, everyone was at the basketball court, you sat at the bench watching everyone play basketball when Spirit and Stein walked up behind you, "I thought they were supposed to stay home and rest." Spirit said making you chuckle, "I don't think these kids will listen to a boring order like that." Stein said sitting beside you, "I see that your wounds are healing nicely." "Yeah, I think I'm ready to take on missions now." You said, "It's only been a week (YN), I don't think you're healed to that extent." Spirit said smirking at you messing up your hair, "Maybe not alone, but with a partner she most definitely is." Stein put in, "What are you getting at Stein?" Spirit asked, "Did you find a suitable partner for out black blooded weapon here?" "I might have if she'll accept." He said pulling a cigarette out of his jacket and lighting it, "Who?" You asked turning your head to look at him, "Well after killing Medusa with you during the battle with Asura, I've been thinking that you would be a suitable partner for me." He said looking at you from the corner of his eye while taking a long drag, "You, really?" You asked shocked, "Yes, I am a scythe meister originally after all; and it would give me a perfect opportunity to study the black blood closed with you as my partner." You sat hollowly watching the basketball game thinking about what he just said, "So if I became your partner, the DWMA would have a better understanding of the black blood and I would have the strongest meister to ever graduate from the school as my partner." You said standing up, "That is correct." "Alright then, Dr. Franken Stein, I accept your offer to officially become your permanent partner and swear to protect you with my life." You said sticking your han d out towards him, "I'm glad you accepted, and I also swear to protect you and the people from the evil and madness of the world." Stein said standing and shaking your hand. "Hey whats going on, why are you guys here?" Soul asked wrapping his arm around your shoulder, "Stein just asked me to be his partner." You said smiling up at him, "What? Really?" Maka asked as she and the others joined the group, "Yeah, so now I won't be going solo anymore, and with him as my partner I can collect my souls a lot faster!" You cheered, "Hey (YN) just because you have that guy as your partner doesn't mean you surpassed me! I defeated the Kishin after all! I've surpassed God!" Blackstar yelled jumping onto souls back, "Okay one, get off of my boyfriend." You said pushing on Blackstars face, "and two from what I remember Maka was the one that defeated Asura, I mean that's how the report went anyways," you said crossing your arms, "Okay, if that's how it is; (YN) I challenge you to a one on one fight! No partners, only you and me, then we will see who is stronger." Blackstar said crossing g his arms standing tall, "Okay, Spirit, you ref." You said walking to the center of the basketball court, Blackstar and Spirit following behind, "Okay you two, don't kill each other and try not to damage this place to much, okay?" "Yeah" "Whatever." "Alright start when ever you want." He said walking back to stand with everyone else. "Who do you think is going to win?" Liz asked, "My money is on (YN)." Soul, Maka and Stein all said together, "then I'm voting for Blackstar." "Me too!" "Blackstar can get pretty competitive so I'll cheer him on." Liz, Patty, and Tsubaki said "Well considering they are both pretty equal in strength I can't base my vote on that, Blackstar is faster than (YN), but she is clearly more skilled when it comes to hand to hand combat, but Blackstar is not far behind her with that as well, and although (YN) does have more experience in fighting, Blackstar is part of the notorious Star clan and-" "Kidd." Liz interrupted his rant, "Yes what is it?" "The fights over." Maka said pointed over to you and Soul hugging while Tsubaki tried waking up a knocked out Blackstar while Patty laughed at him, "Well that was fast, how did she do it?" "She used her black blood and to distract him then punched him in the face." Maka said laughing, "Well it doesn't take much to distract Blackstar" Kidd said walking towards Patty with Liz.

(Your POV)
"That was great." Soul said, "Yes, that was impressive, I expect nothing less from my partner." Stein said, "thanks, but come on, all I did was distract the guy, wasn't even much of a fight." I laughed, "that's right! I demand a rematch!" Blackstar yelled from behind me, "shut up and go back to sleep Blackstar, you're a hundred years to early to mess with me." I yelled over my shoulder smirking at him, while everyone laughed and talked amongst each other. "So what now?" Soul asked, "I mean, with out the Kishin what do we do?" "We Jeep doing what we do best." Maka said punching his arm, "yeah, we go out and kill Kishin eggs and stop madness from spreading." I put in, "and keep perfect balance of good and evil in the world " Kidd put in, "Exactly, we keep balance by killing Kishin eggs and stop something like this from ever happening again." Liz said, "That's what we were born for." I said smiling up at him, "And while we do that we have as much fun as we can." Patty yelled, "exactly." Spirit said leaning his elbow on Steins shoulder, "That's what we are all here for." Maka and I said together, making us giggle, "Okay who is up for another game of basketball!" Blackstar yelled, everyone yelled in agreement while Stein, Spirit and I walked back to the bench, "Why don't you play?" Spirit asked me, "not enough players, I would just make the teams uneven; anyways I like watching more then playing." I said when I noticed Soul running towards us, "whats up Soul?" I asked "I need a kiss for good luck." He said smirking at me as he dipped his head down to mine untill our lips connected after a few seconds he pulled back a bit, "and one more for the hell of it." He said quickly kissing me again making me laugh. "Hey Soul! Quit being all lovey dovy and come play already!" Maka yelled while the others just laughed, "Yeah, yeah, keep your pigtails in." He yelled quickly giving me a peck on the lips and ran back to the court, "Wish me luck!" He yelled over his shoulder as he ran, "Good luck!" I yelled out as Liz threw the ball into the air.


Yosh u finished it! Haahha, don't have to worry about this story anymore, seriously, u was getting g stressed over this story, although I did enjoy writing it, it now I can start working on my other stories again! Okay hope you liked it, PCE!

Yosh u finished it! Haahha, don't have to worry about this story anymore, seriously, u was getting g stressed over this story, although I did enjoy writing it,  it now I can start working on my other stories again! Okay hope you liked it, PCE!

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