Final Battle Part 1

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You and the others ran through the streets when the city started shifting, "W-whats happening?!" Crona yelled as he grabbed a tree. "I think it's an earthquake!" You yelled, "We need to get to the school and speak to Lord Death!" Stein yelled as he grabbed Marie's hand and started running again, you and Crona running after him. You ran up the last bit of stairs when you heard Marie gasp, "what is it Ms. Mar-" your voice cut out when you noticed that the city wasn't connected to the ground anymore, "that earthquake earlier..." "Yes, I believe it was the city rising out of the ground." Stein said confirming your thoughts, "but how is this even p-possible?" Crona asked wide eyed, "I don't know Crona." Marie answered putting a hand on his shoulder, "well I know one thing and that is this has something to do with Lord Death." You said running towards the entrance of the school with everyone on your heals.

(Souls POV)
Maka and I made it to Arachne castle when we felt the madness pulse through the air, "Soul," "Yeah." We ran to where the madness was coming from, and the closer we got the more rubble there was, "Holy shit!" I yelled as a giant machine like thing towered above us, "I, I think that's Death city!" Maka screamed as she looked up never stoping, "a group of the enemies army came running at us, " There's to many of them!" Maka said gripping me harder; suddenly something dropped down on one of them knocking them to the ground as they jumped in front of us with their back to us, "(YN)!"

(With you minutes earlier)
Everyone ran into the Death room where Lord Death and all the professors and their weapons stood watching the mirror, "Oh you guys all made it back quite fast." Lord Death said turning around to look at us, "Why the hell is Death city moving?" You asked as we walked to the others, "We are going to support the front lines." He said simply looking at the mirror again, "Ms. (LN) you're wounded." Nygus said rushing to you lifting your shirt to show everyone just how bad your wounds are, "(YN)!" "You were stabbed right through." Stein said as he examined you with Nygus. "Look I'm fine, it didn't hit anything major, and as long as I don't use my scythe I can still fight." You said looking at the mirror to see Arachne's castle coming into view, "Lord Death I request that you let me fight!" You said pushing my shirt down walking towards him, "You need medical attention!" Marie yelled at your back, "Right now I can not take a Meister away from their weapon or a weapon from their Meister; I promise as soon as this is all over I will do what you want, but right now we need everyone to fight in this war." You said not taking your eyes off of Lord Death, "Alright, but let Nygus wrap a bandage around your wounds at least." Lord Death said, "Alright." You said as Nygus lifted my shirt again wrapping your torso. "Alright all finished." Nygus said letting go of your top, once she did you ran out of the school to the edge of the city and jumping into a free fall; as the ground came closer into view you noticed Maka standing against a large group from Arachne's army, "Great a soft landing." You said as you planted your feet on one of the enemies heads and kicking off of him landing in front of Maka facing the mini army smirking, 'That was an entrance even Blackstar can't beet,' You thought "(YN)!" Maka yelled atyouo, and the madness hit you like a wave; "Maka; you and Soul go on ahead." You said looking over your shoulder meeting her eyes, "I have this handled over here." You said turning my hands into blades, "But-,' " But nothing, they need you two up there. Now go!" You yelled charging into the group and slicing at what ever was in front of you as you saw Maka's siloete run passed.

(Souls POV)
"What the hell Maka! Turn around we need to help her!" I screamed, "I can't Soul! This is something she needs to do!" She yelled at me, I felt her soul wavelength shake, 'she wants to go back there as much as I do," I thought, "Tsk, whatever. Just make sure to feed me a tasty kishin soul then." "Yeah, I will."

(Your POV)
As you slashed at the group in front of you, you felt a blade scratch your back letting a few drops of your blood fall to the ground you jumped into the air, "Bloody needles." You said as your blood spiked upwards impaling multiple enemy, "W-what the hell is this girl!" Someone asked in horror; smirking you cute your wrist and flicked your blood on to their clothes and the ground, "I'm a creation of madness." You said as red blood splattered all around you.

The end of this story is coming.. Sorry the chapter was short, but I'll make the next one longer to compensate... Okay, PCE! BTW, puberty hit Soul like a damn truck in the manga...

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