Witch Medusa's layer, Kill or be Killed?

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You Mari and Crona finally reached the outside of the cave entrance, "damn, you would think that she would find some place new to hide out." You said as you and the others stopped to scout the entrance. "Okay, so you two know the plan?" Mari asked as she looked around the area, "Yeah, Crona and I go to the back e ntrance

and find Medusa, while you go through this one and bring Stein back." You answered pulling your scythe out of your body and started walking towards the other side of the cave, "Just make sure you don't get killed by him." You said looking over your shoulder to see Mari and Crona hugging, "You as well (YN). Make sure you two come out of that place alive." She said running to the cave.

(Time skip)
You and Crona ran through the long hall that led to the giant opening where Medusa sat in the center watching a glass ball while Mari and Stein fought in the far corner, "Crona you go help Mari, I'll keep Medusa distracted." You said tightening your grip on your scythe, "b-but what about the plan!?" Crona asked wide eyed, "If we can get Stein out of his madness faster then we will have a better chance of killing this witch, the odds are a lot slimmer without another Meister with us!" You yelled looking at him and back at Mari and Stein. " Okay, j-just be careful. " Crona said running out catching Medusa's attention, "Crona, you came crawling back to me?" She hissed smiling sadistically at him, "Wrong person you witch!" You screamed as you jumped at her swinging your scythe down, she jumped out of the way and landed on her tail, "Oh so you came too? I can't believe that Lord Death broke his end of the deal-" "there was nothing broken." You said taking a stance. "The three of us have broken our ties to Lord Death and the DWMA." You said lunging at her swinging your scythe at her again and again, "really? So I'm dealing witha rouge weapon, most would think that you are trying to become a kishin egg. Maybe I'll do Lord Death a favor and kill you my self." Medusa said as she kicked you in the face sending you into a wall.

(Souls POV)
"Soul, I know you're worried about (YN) but I really need you to concentrate here!" Maka yelled at me as we got attacked again, "Yeah sorry Maka, that's not cool of me at all." I said glaring at the army in front of us, "Hey Maka, what the hell are you doing standing around for!?" Blackstar yelled as he ran past us swinging Tsubaki as his shadow took out 10 other enemy soldiers, "Yes Maka, you don't want to be out done by Blackstar of all people." Kidd chuckled as he landed right beside us smirking at her, "Sorry guys, it's just that Soul's been distracting me... So I'm gonna go follow (YN) and the others." Maka said turning and running, "What the hell do you mean we're going after her? We're members of the DWMA Maka!" I yelled as she just ran faster, "Maka!" "She can't just go kiss you and disappear like that!" Maka yelled tightening her grip around me, "She's planing on fighting Medusa knowing she might DIE, I can't let her do that to you Soul!" "But what about-" "Kidd and the others are just fine here without us. We will be back and help them as soon as we help your girlfriend."

(With you)
"Vector arrows." You dodged the random knife like arrows flying at you as you leaped into the air swinging your scythe down, "Vector Plate." You were stopped mid-swing and thrown at another wall as soon as you hit it you felt something pierce your stomach, looking down you saw a small arrow pull out of your skin leaving a trail of black liquid. "Oh my, it looks like black blood weapons are able to be killed." Medusa laughed, "shut up you, BITCH." You yelled pushing yourself off the wall dissolving your weapon back into your body, "Oh, pulling your weapon back into your body closes the wound, or actually." Medusa kicked you in your stomach making you bleed again, "it hardens your blood and stops the bleeding." She said smashing your body into the ground "Gah!" Black blood spilled out of the side of your mouth, "Vector Arrow." Your body hovered over the ground for a split second before your head smashed into the cave wall, "Thank you (YN)." Medusa said picking you off the ground by your neck, "you were a brilliant test subje-" You dropped to ground gasping for air, looking up you saw Stein holding Mari in weapon form and Crona holding a bloody Ragnarog, looking to your left you saw Medusa holding her side as it bled out, Stein let go of Mira and walked up to grabbing your hand pulling you up, "transform into a weapon." He demanded looking over at Medusa, you slowly nod your head and transform into a full scythe for the first time, "Okay (YN) we are going to resonate our souls now " he said looking at you from the corner of his eye, "Okay." "Let's Go Soul Resonance!"

(Souls POV)
Maka ran through the desert when I saw figures walking towards us, I transformed back out of weapon form and ran towards them. As I got closer I saw (YN) walking holding her stomach with the support of Crona, "Soul, Maka what are you two doing out here?" Stein asked as we got closer to them, "We wanted to help, we were worried." Maka panted. "There was nothing to worry about." (YN) said standing by herself, "I told you we wouldn't die didn't I?" She said smiling at me, I ran up to her and hugged her tightly, "I was so worried about you." I said burring my face into the crook of her neck, "It's okay Soul, I'm alive." She said as she wrapped her arms around my waist hugging me back, "but you guys have to go back and help the others fight." She said pushing back letting go, I looked down and saw black liquid on my shirt. "(YN) you're bleeding!" I yelled grabbing her arm, "I'm fine, just a few cuts and bruises, I was fighting a witch." She said backing away again, "now go. The DWMA needs you two." She said smiling softly at me, "yes. When this is all over we will be at the school again." Mari chimed in. "Okay, come on Soul we have to hurry." Maka said grabbing my arm, "Don't die." (YN) said as Maka and I ran back to the city, "I won't!" I yelled as I transformed back I to a weapon.

(Your POV)
I fell backwards as Stein caught me steadying me as I leaned against him, "Why did you lie to them (YN)?" Crona asked "I can't have him worrying about me while he fights. He needs full concentration." I said holding my stomach, "That was very smart of you (YN), but I need to get you back to the school so I can close these wounds." Stein said as we started walking back. "That can wait till this is all over Dr., I need to help fight this war too." I said "but your wounds!" Mari said looking at you in shock. "My black blood will stop me from bleeding out. I'll be fine." I said as Death city came into view.

And another part finished! We are slowly coming to an end of this story so I put a pause on my other stories so I can focus on this one so I'll be uploading faster than before, okay. PCE!

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