Black Blooded Torture

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Hi I don't own Soul Eater or any of its characters, man I am getting tired of saying that.

(Souls POV)
I woke up with a pounding head ache, and I could hear voices coming from somewhere around me, "I found him lying on the ground uncontentious so I thought it would be best to bring him here.' I heard a woman say. 'Well with you being a nurse I'd hope you would do that." "Oh Stein, you really are funny" " Well Medusa I really do enjoy the flattery I must ask you to leave so I can exanimate Soul for any internal injuries." I heard her high heels clicking on the floor then a door closing, "Okay Soul I know your awake so you might as well sit up so I can check you over so we can both go home." Stein said when the door shut, so I slowly opened my eyes knowing how bright the lights where in the infirmary as I sat up swinging my legs over the edge of the bed, once he finished he sat down at the desk and writing something down. "So Soul, can you remember what happened to you? Why you were out at this time of night?" Stein asked me, "Well I was walking (YN) ho- wait (YN), (YN) was kidnapped by the demon sword and he or something nocked me out ad that's why Medusa found me on the street, wait actually Medusa was there. I said jumping from the bed. " Okay Soul I need yu to calm down, you have a slight concussion so I need you to sit down and wait here, I'll go tell Lord Death of what's happened tonight." Stein said as he walked out the door. 'Shit I hope (YN) is okay' I thought as I put my head in my hands.

(3rd POV)
Sreams echoed off the plane cement walls as blood dripped from wounds on your chained arms and legs as the demon sword slashed at you with a crazed look in his eye, right when he was about to swing at your head, a door opened at the other end of the long dark room showing a silhouette of a woman, "Please, make him stop." You said to the person standing in the door way as they slowly walked into the room shutting the door behind them. "Okay (YN) but first I need you to scream" The woman said as she held a giant syringe filled with a black substance, "This is going to burn." Medusa whispered as she stuck the needle in your chest making you scream as she pushed the black liquid into your body. Suddenly the screaming stopped as a deafening silence filled the room. "When I am done with you, you won't remember your own name." Medusa said as she straightened pulling the syringe from your body, "carry on Crona" Medusa said walking back towards the door as Crona brought his sword down slicing your shoulder, making you scream in pain all over again, as black blood mixed with red.

And this is it, I wonder how this will turn out will you be saved in time, or will you forget Soul and everyone else you love? But hey I'm gonna write a Fairy Tail fanfic soon, but I'm gonna finish this one too, so yeah should check that out, I'll let you guys know when I put the first chapter up and what it will be called, okay pce!

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