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umm, YO people the title has nothing to do with the chapter, just couldn't think of a good title, so yeah, now this is the fun part, jk but you know what I was going to say so yeah, enjoy!

(3rd POV Death Room)

"Scythe Meister, Franken Stein and party reporting." Stein said walking up to Lord Death and Death Scythe; "Hi, how did the mission go? Were you able to bring weapon (FN) (LN) back with you?" Lord Death asked as he hopped toward Stein. "No, there was something that we need to talk to you about sir." Maka said as she walked to stand with Stein. "what is it?" Lord Death asked getting more serious than before, "It seems that (YN) was fighting with the witches, she was wielding her scythe  instead of transforming one of her limbs as she fought like any one of us would." Tsubaki said from beside Blackstar. "So it's most likely possession then." Death Scythe said trying to look cool for 'his precious Maka' "No not exactly, the way she was fighting made it seem like she didn't care she if she was injured, much like the demon sword did when Spirit and I fought him back in Italy." Stein said taking a drag of a cigarette. "What are you trying to say?" Soul asked clenching his fists angrily. "What I am saying Soul is that it is possible she was injected with the black blood that is in the Demon sword." Stein said making everyone go wide eyed, "If that is so, why would she fight against the DWMA students?" Kidd asked looking at the ground "She could be being controlled by a witch, or doing it of her own free will." "No, when we fought her, it seemed like she didn't even know who we were." Kilik said finally speaking up. "So your saying she lost her memories?" Death Scythe asked "That, could be it, because the only way they could inject the black blood into her body is by draining her blood with out killing her, but seeing she is not immortal like Lord Death or Kidd here, they would have to extract her blood slowly to make sure she wouldn't die." Stein said, "And seeing who we are dealing with, they most likely did it as painfully as they could so she wouldn't remember who she was when they were finished." Kidd said getting angry. "What's that supposed to mean?" Blackstar asked, "It means they tortured her." Soul said clenching his fists as his hair covered his eyes. "We have to go and get her back!" Soul yelled at Lord Death, "It's not that simple Soul, if we are correct, (YN) doesn't remember any of us. She won't come willingly." Death Scythe said looking at him soulfully. "I don't care! I have to save her!" Soul yelled surprising everyone. "Soul we can't make a move yet, we don't know what we are up against here." Maka said trying to calm Soul down. "This is bull-" "Soul you need to see the bigger picture here, we don't want to loose any lives than we have today." Lord Death said trying to reason with him "tsk, whatever." Soul said storming out of the death room. "Suggest you all go home to, I'm sure you girls want to get ready for the party tonight." Lord Death said

(Time skip DWMA dance (still 3rd POV))
Everyone was inside the large room at the top of the DWMA when Sid came charging in "it was a trap, I need to get you guys out now!" Then the entire room started to be covered in white and coffins appeared out of the ground making Soul, Maka, Blackstar, Tsubaki, Kidd ,Liz, Patty, and Stein fall through the ground. (Making this short because I'm sure everyone knows what happened during this scene)

Kidd, Blackstar and Maka made it past Medusa leaving Stein and Spirit to fight her "Maka where is everyone!?" Soul asked as they ran down a corridor, "Blackstar adn the Demon Sword are ri-" MAka stopped running to look down a hall to her right. "What? What is it Maka?" "(YN) is here." Maka said softly. shocking Soul, "Where is she?" "Just a head of us, down that hallway, nut she seems to be running towards Blackstar." "Fallow her, we need to get her back." "That's not our mission Soul." "Screw the mission!" Soul said transforming out of weapon form and running down the hallway Maka was looking down, "Soul! You're supposed to stay in weapon form!" Maka yelled running after him.

(With Blackstar still 3rd)

Blackstar just made it to the Demon Sword and was about to attack him when someone jumped from somewhere above him bringing a black scythe down were Blackstar was standing seconds ago. "(YN)!" Tsubaki yelled as you charged at Blackstar again, faltering when you heard your name being said from the other female weapon "Blackstar Big Wave!" Blackstar yelled as he pushed his elbow into your side making you scream as electricity filled your body.

(Soul POV)

"Soul, wait up!" Maka yelled slowing down from exhaustion, *scream in the distance* "That was (YN)!" I yelled picking up my pace. "Soul, you're supposed to stay in weapon form and stay with me!" Maka yelled at me as I got farther away from her. When I got to an opening I was standing above Blackstar as he fought the Demon Sword, and a couple feet away from them was (YN) lying in a pile on the floor. "Soul!" I turned around to see Maka running to up too me. "Your really slow Maka, not co-" "No Soul *pant* whats not c*pant* cool is leaving your partner behind *pant* in the middle of a battle." Maka yelled at me making me wince. "You're right Maka it' wasn't cool of me, I'm sorry." It's okay Soul just don't do it again." "Yeah" I said as I grabbed her hand turning into a scythe as we fell through the air towards (YN) 'Please be okay' I thought as we hit the ground.

Finished! okay but yeah sorry it took so long, just had a lot going on this week and had freakn writers block for like ever, but yeah hope you liked it, don't forget to like, and comment! PCE!

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