Training With Soul?

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HEEEYYYY! I am back with another chapter and the title isn't only one word this time! Okay but I do not own Soul Eater of any of it's characters, but for this story I do own you. :P

(3rd POV)

Everyone was sitting around in the living room, eating drinking, talking and laughing; when Maka suddenly jumped out of her chair and took off out the door, "Maka!" Soul yelled as he chased after her you were right behind him, because unlike everyone else you heard what she said, 'There was a witch in Death City.'

(3rd POV)

When I finally caught up with Soul and Maka they were talking to Dr. Stein and Nurse Medusa, but for some reason you couldn't get yourself to move to talk with them so you hid yourself behind a near by corner "Well I better be leaving, I have patients to take care of after all." Nurse Medusa said as she turned towards the direction of the school, "Maka, Soul, what are you two doing out here?" Dr. Stein asked with his hands in his pocket "Well I sensed a witch's soul and came here right away." "I followed her" Maka and Soul explained "Alright, well the threat seems to have disappeared, so you two can head ho-" "Dr. Stein I want you to train me." Soul interrupted him, "well why would you want that Soul?" Dr. Stein asked "I want to be able to protect my partner with out Maka wielding me I am completely useless in a fight." 'Oh Soul.' you thought as you covered your mouth. "Alright, I am training (YN) everyday after school in the forest behind the school, meet me there and I'll train you too." Dr. Stein said lighting a cigarette, "Now go home you guys it's getting dark." Dr. Stein instructed blowing out a cloud of smoke. As Maka and Soul started walking your way you quickly hid behind a dumpster until you heard their footsteps fade away. 'Soul way din't you just tell me or Maka how you felt earlier?' you thought as you started walking home.

(Next day after school at training grounds Dr. Steins POV)

'Soul and (YN) should be here soon, I wonder how long they will be able to do this training?' I thought as I took a drag out of my cigarette looking a cluster of clouds passing by. "Hey, Dr. Stein." I heard (YN) yell as she and Soul walked into the clearing. "So what are we doing today" Soul asked as he knelled down "Well for starters I'd like you to spar to see how well you two do in hand to hand, then I'll decide out to train you" I explained "okay" "fine by me." They both said as the positioned them selves across each other. 'Hmm this should be interesting, (YN) is more experienced with hand to hand seeing she doesn't have a partner, but Soul is strong in his own ways, even if he doesn't see it. I wonder how this will play out?' I thought as I leaned against a tree watching the two weapons get ready to fight. "Okay fight!"

(3rd POV)
As you and Soul stood on opposite sides of the opening you waited for the signal from Dr. Steins, after a few more seconds the you heard him yell "Okay fight!" And you were rushing at Soul as you turned your hand into a blade, Soul leaped into the air turning his leg into a blade as he flipped bringing it down as you lifted your hand to stop the attack, as he jumped away from you using you as a kick board, you quickly turned and swung you left leg out promptly kicking Soul in The stomach; sending him in the opposite direction.

(Your POV)

After I kicked Soul, I decided to wait for him to stand before I attacked again, remembering that this wasn't an actual fight, that Dr. Stein was only testing us, but as soon as soul was up again, I was running at him with my next attack, once I got into a foot of him I jumped into air ready to Superman punch him; but he grabbed my wrist and right leg 'shiit." I thought as he sent met flighing towards Dr. stein, hitting the ground, hard. 'Damnit.' I thought getting to my knees when Soul was picking me up again. "Tsk, why are you going easy on me (YN) I know you can fight better than this." Soul said grabbing my shoulders. "I could but I'm still recovering from my injuries, so this IS the best I can fight right now Soul." I said as I kick up successfully separating Soul and I, "Why did you do that anyways?" "why did I do, what?" I asked throwing a punch, "Take that hit for me, you could have died." Soul said trying to get me in an arm lock but failed as I kicked his legs out from under him and pinned him "Because I don't want to loose anyone again." I said "Good job (YN), even though your injured, you still won." Dr. Stein said "And Soul, I din't expect you to be this skilled, It wont be long till you can spar with (YN) equally." "Yeah." Soul said still staring at me, but I tried to pretend I didn't notice and kept listening to Dr. Stein. "Okay, well that's all for today, you two can go home now, when you come here tomorrow we'll start your individual training." Dr. Stein said walking back toward the school.

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