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(3rd POV)
You jumped at Crona bringing your scythe out of your body, but got pulled backwards and slammed to the ground, "What do you think you are doing Ms.(LN)?" Stein asked twisting your arm behind your back painfully. "Let me go." You said struggling against Dr. Steins strength, "He has to pay for what he did! I promised I'd kill him," "Professor! What are you doing?" Maka asked as she and the others piled out of the door. "She was about to attack one of my students, I had to restrain her," Stein said looking down at you, "I'm sure she didn't meen to Stein, just let her go. She only just got out of prison," Death Scythe said, "If you let me go I'm taking off that creaters head!" You yelled making everyone go silent, "W-why would you do that (YN)?" Tsubaki asked breaking the silence. "Because he killed them!" You yelled finally breaking out of Steins grip "He killed my parents!" You turned your arm into a blade and ran forward while everyone watched in shock, untill you felt arms wrap around your chest and waist pulling you back. "Let me go!" "No," Soul said burring his head I to your hair, "(YN) you need to calm down." He said squeezing you tighter while a tear fell down your face. "I want- too go to- my ce-" "you can't go there anymore (YN). Your not a prisoner anymore." Sid said interrupting you. "You can come to my house." Soul said picking you up while tears fell silently. "I'm going ahead Maka, you can stay out for a bit." "Okay, I'll be home later," Maka said to his residing back.

(Time skip)
Soul walked into the apartment and set you down on your feet while you just stared blankly at the wall, "Hey (NN), look at me." Soul said cupping your face in his hands looking at your (EC) eyes, "It's only me and you here, you know it's not cool to blank out on people (NN)." He said hugging you. 'She did this the other night too, she just blanked when I told her.' Soul thought as he squeezed you tighter. "Ow, Soul that hurts," you mumbled from his chest, he let you go to look down at you and smiled softly, "glad to have you back on Earth, if you want you can go wash up, I'll bring you some clothes seeing yours got pretty dirty after Stein floored you " Soul said walking towards his bedroom, "Do you mind if I take a shower?" You asked walking to the washroom, "yeah go ahead, I'll bring your clothes in, in a minute," Soul yelled from his room. You turned on the water and started to undress when you heard a knock on the door, "uh, I got some of my old clothes for you." Soul said through the door, you quickly went and opened door. "Sorry but I don't wanna go thr-" Soul stopped talking and started turning red as he looked at you and blood dripped from his nose, you slowly looked down to see that you only had a bra on, on your upper half of your body. Your eyes widened as you turned bright red quickly slamming the door closed.

(Your POV)
"Ohmygodohmygodohmygod, I can't believe I just did that!' You thought learning against the door, " uh, hey (NN) I'm just gonna leave these outside the door, you can grad them when you want to," I heard Soul say through the door and then his footsteps as he walked some where in the apartment. "I am such an idiot." I said to myself as I stood under the running water of the shower head. I thought about the week I was in the infirmary, everyone came and visited me one day, but Soul came early and stayed late everyday to talk to me and would come and eat his lunch with me every other day hoping that I would remember something. It was during my last night in the infirmary that I had a dream of everything that I forgot, I woke up with a jolt with a pounding headache as Soul walked in the door. I pulled myself back into reality and turned off the water and dried off, after I was finished that I looked around for clean clothes, I stopped spinning and turned slowly to look jj the door, "crap."

(Souls POV)
I was sitting on the couch when I heard the water turn off so I stood up to go make tea when I saw the door to the bathroom open enough for a small arm to slide out and try grab the clothes I left there for her. I chuckled as I walked up to the door and picked up the clothes and pushed them through the crack hearing a squeak as her arm shot back into the bathroom, "here." I said as she took the clothes from my hand, "I'm making tea so when you're done changing go into the kitchen." She closed the door before I finished talking, "Okay, I'll be there in a few minutes." She said through the door, I turned and walked to put tea on, and while I was all I could think about was (YN) in her (FC) bra, her (SC) skin, and- "shit I have a nose bleed again, damn it this so not cool." I said as I walked to get a napkin and sat at the table while I waited for the blood to stop, "Hey Soul, where's the tea?" I looked over to see (YN) in my old shorts and basket ball jersey and I felt all my blood rush to my face and somewhere I really wish it wouldn't. "I just put it on, it'll be ready in a couple minutes," I said looking out the window, "Oh, okay, well I'm gonna go watch some TV okay?" She asked, I looked over at her to see her blushing too, "The TV isn't working right now, how bout you wait in the living room though, I'll go get the tea." I said standing up and going into the kitchen. 'Damn she looks good, but she still seems upset about something.' I thought while I poured the tea into cups and put everything on a tray and took it to the living room where (YN) was sitting on the couch looking out the window, 'damn, I better do something.'

(3rd POV)
Soul put the tray on coffee table and sat beside you, "so, are you feeling any better now?" Soul asked putting a cup of tea in front of you making you jump a little, "yeah, still a little, but I'm still a little shaken. I-I don't know what it is, but I feel like there is something 'cracked' inside me." You said touching the center of your chest, "Something inside my soul, it feels, like. I can't describe it," you said as you took the cup in both of your hands, "it's okay." Soul said putting g his hand on your forearm, "I'll help you, I'll always help you," he said looking into your (EC) eyes making g you blush lightly, "promise?" "Promise. I'll mend and seel every wound you have," Soul said squeezing your arm and letting go, leaving a warm spot on you arm were his hand just was. "Okay."

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