Lord Deaths Verdict.

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Aàaand it's been a while, but imma upload now. :D

(3rd POV)
You sat in your cell looking at the moon out your window when you heard the door open. "Hey Sid, whats for supper tonight? Lobster and a nice salad on the side?" You asked sarcastically. "Ahaha, no not tonight (YN) but you do get fries and gravy. Left overs from lunch." Sid said setting a tray down on the table. "Cool, how was it today?" You asked taking a fry off of the plate, 'it sucks that he is my only way of communicating with the daily life of school.' You thought as you chewed. "It was good, you know when I was alive I really liked teaching these students, that's just the kind of man I was." He said as he walked to the door. "Leaving already, normally you would stay and talk, whats up?" "Well I would, but Death Scythe is here to take you to Lord Death tonight." "Another hearing huh. Well let him in. But one more thing." "What is it?" "Why do you always say that? That 'that's just the kind of man I was' thing?" "Well you see, zombies don't have emotions, I'm just functioning on the common sense I had when I was alive." Sid said turning to open the door. "Oh" was all you said as you stood up. "Come on, Lord Death is waiting." Death Scythe said turning to walk down the hall way. 'Always has to act so cool.' You thought turning your thoughts to Soul. 'He's been able to help me get my memories back, but there are still gaps that haven't been filled' "Hey Death Scythe, is today the day?" You asked looking at the back of his head, "Yeah. Today he makes his decision." He said back lowly. "Do you think that. He is going to say. That. Do you?" You said clenching your fists, "I don't know (YN), he could say anything" that didn't make you feel any better, Death Scythe usually knew these things. 'Poor kid doesn't know what's coming to her.' Spirit thought as you two climbed the stairs.

(Death room your POV)
We were walking along the hall way in the cloud room when you saw Lord Death, and Death the Kidd, and Liz and Patty. 'Makes sense they are part of the higher ups' you thought as Dr. Stein came into view as well. "Ms. (LN) you are here to as a part of your final hearing, to determine if you will live of die." Lord Death said when you walked into the platform. "Sissy, whats going to happen to (YN)" "I donrt know Patty." Liz said hugging her sister. "Scythe Weapon (FN) (LN) you are sentansed to.... Party." Lord Death said as Maka, and Soul came out from behind the mirror and Blackstar and Tsubaki jumped off from the Guillotine. "Wait. What?" You said spinning around to see everyone, "there was never a case to begin with." Kidd said walking up to you, "yeah we just did that to scare ya a little." Stein said "I thought Lord Death was going to execute me and you all took it as a joke?" I asked as tears weld in my eyes. "Aw, I'm sorry (YN), but we couldn't help it." Loz said as she and Patty squeezed me to death. "Okay you two let her go" Kidd said. "No, wait I wanna hug more." Patty said as she got dragged away with Kidd and Liz. "Yo" "Yo, your self, that wasn't cool Soul! I thought I was gonna die!" I yelled lightly hitting the weapon on the chest. "Okay,okay I'm sorry." Soul said as he grabbed I flailing arms to stop my attacks while Maka just chuckled at us. "And you too Maka, how could you do this to me?" You said while crocodile tears fell down your eyes. "Hey, I brought the food and drinks." Sid yelled as he walked into the room with bags and a cooler over his shoulder. Everyone just stared at him like he killed someone. "What?" He said putting the cooler and bags down. "I can't believe you Sid. I told you every day how terrified I was of this day and you knew it was a prank all along, your so cruel, I hate you all." I cried while everyone just looked at each other guiltily. "Aw come on you can't be sad in my presence!" Blackstar said walking towards me, but I turned my arm into a staff and hit in the gut and turned to Soul. "I'm only going to forgive you because, you came and talked to me every day." I said burring my face in his chest. "What? That's where you were when you disappeared lately?" Maka asked while everyone's eyes burned into my back making me blush. "Um, uh, well you see, I uh, I was, well. You see I was" Soul stuttered, I looked up at him to see him blushing a crimson that matched his eyes making me blush harder. "He came and talked to me about my past. To help me get my memories back. That's why I remember all of you guys, because Soul told me all about you guys." I said turning around smiling at everyone. "Yeah, what she said." Soul said wrapping his arm around my shoulder making me blush. 'I didn't just remember everyone, I remembered what they made me feel, especially Soul. Man I'm blushing like crazy!' I thought hiding my face. "Aww, (YN) is blushing!" Tsubaki said smiling at me. "I am not!" I said turning to Sid and the food. "But I am hungry." I said gliding towards the food making everyone laugh as I took a sandwich from Sid.

(Souls POV)
'Damnit (YN) really gets to me, now all she has to do is stand next to me and I can't think of anything but her' thought while everyone went and ate with (YN), watched as she laughed and talked with everyone, when I noticed a blob of pink behind her, shit. I ran past everyone and dragged Crona out of the room. 'What are you doing here?" I asked while ragnarog came out. "Well we heard there was a hearing for (YN) and he wanted to come talk to her." Ragnarog said leaning on the pour guys head. "Well you can't do that. (YN) was able to get her memories back, and she remembers what you did." I said putting my hands in my pockets. "I told her I was sorry for ki-kidnapping her, she can't still be m-mad can she?" Crona stuttered out. "What the hell are you talking about? I'm talking about her-" "Soul what are you doing out. here" (YN) opened the door and froze when she saw Crona. 'Shit, what is she going to do?' I thought when she lunged before anyone could react.

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